
This old girl turned up for a full suspension refit!!
My 92 after driving through a farm field
I did bottom out for a bit but got it out
Me and my little buddy
No I just rocked back and forth
Got out several times
And finally got it to jump out
I did think I was going to need it
But the winch has a pan
It kind of acted like a skip plate
I useually just pop through this area but the ruts pulled me a in
The sun came out a couple a days later. next so the beer got cooled while work on the car



Got to earn ya beer around here:)

The roof was badly dented and the sunroof did not work anymore so I swapped it for a roof with a glass sunroof.
Could not really match the existing paint so painted the complete shell in Aston Martin Chiltern Green. Did not put the side moldings
back as I think it looks better without.

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