Nope !!!
yer shunt be doin this to Daft !
He's already gerrin the shakes at the thought o Hybrid burd sat int same motor as him agen,:rolleyes:
ye'll finnish him off i tell yer!:eek:
Dunt say i dint warn yer !;) :p :D
hmmmm! I fink I betta take my motor - sumone has to keep a sense of decorum and carry the toolkit fur ya landies:p
yu dint see it then - two full socket sets, torque wrench etc - do yu know wot hippoo wings are made of?
Oh yeah, I'm always queing behind some bluddy Hippo in the offie', in there t'get his supply of generic energy drinks. I worry about you Daft!
yu is worrited about me! yo imagination needs to be kept in check - "I'm always queing behind some bluddy Hippo in the offie', in there t'get his supply of generic energy drinks" - since when have yu seen a freelander in an off-licence buying drinks?

i think the nightmares are getting to ya - yu need to talk to someone!
Hippos with wings?
I wonder what's there stall speed? and how much runway do they require?:)

Have we setteled on the 13 now?
Hippos with wings?
I wonder what's there stall speed? and how much runway do they require?:)

Have we setteled on the 13 now?

Irrelevant, they're always grounded!

Yep, the bluddy 13th it is. Let's all go watch Daft git stuk. :D
i fort i was going as a passenger.
and as fur looking forward to getting stuck - No.
or to getting the sides scratched to buggery and back.:(

Its an occupational hazzard, but thats why i am going wiv experts.
I AM going wiv ex-spurts - aint I?:eek:
If whoever's buggering you is scratching yer sides & back, you should have a word!

Eggspurts? US? I only got a Landy cuz they bounce off things.
yu wanna get summat wiv a bit more plastic then - they dont dent so badly.

so all them ropes n jacks n stuff were just fur posing then?

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