i thort yu was?
betta behave ourselves tho;)

ere - its not MY trip. I aint got a clue wot i is doing - I leave it to those wot duz. As far as I am concerned its Adz and Marcus' show - they call the shots. I just go along and hope to survive!:eek:
no chance of a swap, then?

Morning HB and yu, Marcus.

Mondeo says hi too - dunno why he asked me to tell ya - but its dun.:D
no chance of a swap, then?

Morning HB and yu, Marcus.

Mondeo says hi too - dunno why he asked me to tell ya - but its dun.:D

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! FFS HB, just got yer PM too! RIGHT, IF all can make it Sunday 20th May (Adz? Clivees + 1? Any other bugger?) then it's then then.

If anyone who wuz going now can't cos' it's moved to the 20th, then it's staying as the 13th & you're outta luck HB (& you've **** out onna lift in a propa truck Daft) & you'll just have to do yer paper round instead!

FKN, bluddy, fkn! I am NOT a people person! :mad:
I deffo cant do the 20th coz I am in Somerset. Without causing yu a heart attack, Marcus, If it helps I will not go to the GT40 thing on the 6th and yu cud re-instate the 6th? or I just wont go on the 20th :(

see yu on the M4/A303 Clivees?
Okey bluddy dokey, the 6th again then (this is all your fault Daft, bluddy Airfix cars & stuff & that!).

I know that means yer mate can't make it Clivees, but this is getting Daft (pun intended) & they can come on the next one.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH, I move it & you post in the meantime.

Right, when all? I'm past caring!
13th & HD chucks a sicky or 6th & Clivees mate dunt go.

We'll have a whip round fer yer paper round HB.

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