The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Right, 6 weeks time is Sunday May 6th. Wanna set that as the date fer the next one? Should give people plenty of time to plan, sign in & drop out.

Venue to be arranged, but over Guildford way seems a popular bet.

Happy for more than 4 motors to meet up, the more the merrier, but we'll have to split into groups of 4 or less for the actual laning.

Well?.............Oh & we'll start a new thread for it too...........ah, though Guldford is actually in Surrey!....Oh, whatever!

6th May - Guildford way?
I would like to try and make this one but i wont know for sure untill closer.
Guildford is good for me.
Turning up in Guildford High St. and asking the first 'Big Issue' salesperson:

"So, know any good lanes round 'ere then?"

Ain't likely to get us very far Hatster ;)
Had a look at Wayfinder - the national catalogue of Rights of Way and have found a place called "Winterfold Wood" a little South and East of Guildford.

Nearest village looks like "Shamley Green", which has two pubs, the Red Lion, or if we don't like that one, the Bricklayers Arms.

Red Lion, Shamley Green, Surrey, GU5 0UB - pub details #
Bricklayers Arms, Shamley Green, Surrey, GU5 0UA - pub details #

Seems to be three or four lanes in the area of the wood - one of them looks really good on the map: search results

Look for "Woodlands" roughly in the middle of the map as the start of the lane which runs for about 1km due East through the wood, then turns North for approx 2km. ending up in Farley Green.

Just down the road from Farley Green is Ponds Farm Lane which runs North for approx 3km with a short break in the middle onto public highway, to just a bit South of Shere.

If we're not done for the day - heading into Shere to a large(ish) looking T Junction there is another BOAT opposite the T Junc which ducks under the A25, follows a short section of the Pilgrims Way before turning due North and rejoining paved road near Coombe Bottom after approx 2km.

If we're still not finished, 500 yards North East there are two more byways near to Hook Wood.

How's that sound?
Yeah, wot that bloke says sounds good. I've the Landranger for the area, there is shedloads by the looks of it, so should be another good day.
Good links Daft.

Sunday Adz wuz on about The North Downs Way. Parts of that look interesting too.
yup - i thort the next one yuz gonna be there - in fairness to Adz - but, hell, I dont care providing yu is gentle with me.
I am (surprise) having major difficulties in getting any "kit" fur the slitty, so it looks like, I am stuck with going out with no protection {nevva a good idea}.:eek:
just found this - will try and find out more info. Also - this, particularly the attached section :D

Access to MOD Training Areas in Surrey

The MOD owns around 4000ha of training area land within Surrey. The Four main areas are centred around Pirbright Firing range, Ash Firing range and the open training areas at Hankley and Elstead and Camberley (Sandhurst) part of which is in Berkshire)

All of these sites are open heathland and woodland identified as access land and declared excepted land due to the overriding military byelaws. The level of access is however different on all four sites.

All areas are open for access under the terms and conditions of the local military byelaws.( Displayed at all major access points to the training areas) In summary these allow for access on foot for a in formal open air recreation. This does not include the use of motor vehicles, horses or cycles away from public rights of way.

Pirbright Ranges

Pirbright range danger area (RDA) is ring fenced and out of bounds due to high level of unexploded ordnance on the area as a result of 100years of use as military range for a wide range of weapons. The land around the ranges and out side of the out of bounds area is used for minor military training and is open to the public for managed access at all times.

Ash Ranges.

The range danger area (RDA) is ring fenced and out of bounds to the public when the red flags are flying indicating that he ranges are operational and it dangerous to enter the RDA. In effect creating an out of bounds area 7days week between 07.30 and 16.30 approx 48 weeks of the year. Details of times when the ranges are not operational can be obtained from the range office on a daily basis. When the flags are taken down each day live firing stops and the area is open for full managed public access controlled within the terms of the Byelaws. There are few public rights of way within the Ash Area.

Hankley and Elstead

A dry training area or non live firing, part registered common. This site although used for training on a regular basis is open for permitted managed public access at all times. It has a number of public rights of way crossing the site and of course these remain open at all times. Public access and military use fit side by side. This access is assisted by the MOD warden patrolling the site and educating the public on how to behave on MOD sites. The local population are the prime users of the site. This has resulted in a good relationship being developed between the military and the public with mutual respect on both sides.
The MoD publishes a guide to walks on the MOD Land this features a specific walk across Elstead Common.


Barossa Training area situated to the rear of Sandhurst Military Academy has both a dry training area open the public for managed access and a live firing Range which is ring fenced and out of bounds to the public at al times .

The managed access to all these sites has been in place since the late 1970's and allows the general public full and unrestricted access, but does retain the right of the MOD to restrict access if it interferes with any military training activities both live firing and dry training (Non live firing) activities.

The safety of visitors to all MOD sites is off course extremely important to the MOD. All sites are clearly marked as MOD training Areas at all major access points and the public are warned not to touch any suspicion objects. The majority of these areas have been open to the public for informal recreation for many years and a culture of acceptance from both parties has developed with the local communities. However as the population in Surrey ever increases the public pressure on the use of these has in places had a detrimental effect on military training usually resulting in the disturbance of planned exercises. This is a factor military units have to take in to account when planning exercises to ensure the public are asked to stay away from certain areas at any one time.

The areas are some of the only large areas of open Landscape open to the public for recreation in Surrey. The MOD is fully committed to sharing these sites with the public as much as possible. The sites are also important sites for there lowland heathland ecology. The MOD is committed to managing these sites with a clear objective to getting the designated SSSI sites into favourable condition by the 2010.Public access does play a role in this particularly where the protection of nesting birds is highly important. Defence Estates along with Surrey wildlife Trust as our liceneced conservation grazing tenant will continue to manage the estate for its valuable ecology. This will, include a programme of public awareness of the environmental importance of these sites. And actions which can help persevere the importance of the sites for example by keeping dogs under control during the bird nesting season.

Management issues arising from the use of the training area by the public include rubbish dumping , fires , joy riding, illegal use by motorcycles, unauthorised use by horse riders and cyclists, construction of mountain bike courses and jumps, illegal access from private property, car parking etc . All issues which the managers of the estate deal with on a daily basis.

The MOD as the owner and manager of these sites within Surrey are committed to providing for managed public access when ever possible. In return we ask the public to respect the need of the military to train and to be aware of and respect the valuable contribution these sites make to the diversity of the country side in the UK.


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gt40 club AGM

also the 6th May & 7th May 2007- National Kit Car Motor Show
Royal Agricultural Showground, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire
One of the 'big two', this is a major kit car event that you shouldn't miss. Stoneleigh blends two large, modern exhibition halls with massive outdoor spacefor club gatherings, family entertainments, food stalls and accessory stands. You'll find the majority of the industry displaying its cars and always several new model launches. For further information telephone Grosvenor Exhibitions on 01775 712100.
If you want to push back a couple of weeks its ok by me as Pat1200 would like to go but cant make that week end.

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