That's good news then and one less problem before MOT! I will have a nose at it but if its a problem its not now!

Mine was built in 1983 so well within!

Thanks chap! Any ideas on the order of what to do mechanically now? I fugure handbrake first then clutch then brakes and steering.
the hazard warning switch may not need one.

recently checked with reguards to my 109 mot
the hazard warning lights came in after 1986
if yours is before 86 like mine.not needed for m.o.t.
have checked with land rover and m.o.t. tester

Local MOT man told me the same, but if there's a switch fitted, they must work. So remove the switch, or if it's like mine was, unscrew the top with the triangle on it.
Yes he's making me out to look lazy :D

:D Slowed down a bit at the moment but I have a week off I very soon with very little to do so I should be making some more progress then!

Its decided that I shall do the handbrake next then the clutch so theres two forms of it not rolling down the drive into the dual carriageway :eek::eek:

Then it will be the steering bars, track rod ends and brake rebuild front and back...should be enough to be getting on with for now!
It entirely up to you but I wired in Hazards an a fog light ,put in seat belts etc which mine didnt need for test
They are all safety items,

Coz you have stacks to do and dont need them for test you can do these if you like at your leisure
It entirely up to you but I wired in Hazards an a fog light ,put in seat belts etc which mine didnt need for test
They are all safety items,

Coz you have stacks to do and dont need them for test you can do these if you like at your leisure

Everything will be fitted over time but I just want to get it Mot'd asap lol
Hand Brake
Posted by min200 Thu, August 07, 2014 19:12:31

Ended up with an extra day off of work today because I foolishly ate a pizza at lunchtime which triggered my IBS off big style. I got to work to happily find 5 spare drivers kicking their heels so I managed to bag the day off as a holiday which was great because I really didn't think I would have made it the distance between service station toilets on the motorway without ****ting myself!

So I got home and had to potter about as it eases the pain. After sorting the imperial from the metric spanners out in the shed I went to the toilet again. After this horror I decided to have a nose at the hand/transmission brake on the Landy.

I didn't have the correct imperial size spanner for the adjusting nut as loads of my tools seem to have done a bunk but I found that the ring end of a 7mm spanner worked perfectly on it with no play. I sprayed on some WD40 and slowly worked the adjusting nut forwards and backwards a bit at a time adding more WD40 as needed until it freed up.

Then I started on removing the nuts holding the drum on and of one of these had been rounded off before but hey theres always a buggered nut isn't there!

Luckily I have a tool box full of odd old sockets so I grabbed a slightly undersized one 1/2 and hammered it into place.

This brought the knackered nut off nicely. At this point I realised that the next fart was going to be more than that and rushed to get out from under the landy smacking my head then running for the toilet wondering whether to clutch my stomach, my arse or my now banging head.

After some considerable time had passed I got back under the Landy and gave the drum a good whacking with a hammer to loosen the contents up a bit shift some muck and free off the brake pads.

Then I used a flat ended screwdriver inserted into the edge between the back plate and the drum to see if it would gently free off. Much to my surprise it came off easily and then I was very happy to see the brake pads and components where all in good condition!

So a quick clean up and the drum was put back on.

After a quick adjustment up the hand brake now works perfectly! The only component I have had to replace is the spring on the handbrake itself. Now what a bloody job that was as I was trying to force it up and over the place it was supposed to fit into whilst trying not to **** myself in the process.

So another job marked off of the list and only at the cost of a new nut, handbrake spring and a lump on my head...which is nice!
More Paint.
Posted by min200 Fri, August 08, 2014 11:52:56

Just picked up two tins of metallic paint from Wilkinsons. This stuff is basically the cheap version of Hammerite so all good. silver in colour it will be used for the windscreen frame and the wheels I have already primed.

I scraped the paint off of the windows on the landy so at least you can see out of them. Not enough tome to do anything else at the moment so the first dry day next week will see some more colour on the project!

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

Grinding disc £2.25

Under Seal £8.99

Complete set of lights £85

5 Litres Primer £24.99

4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

Rear Door £21.00

Front Door £20.00

Handbrake spring £1.50

2 Discovery wheels

Two seatbelts

Wing Mirror

2 Headlight surrounds

2 headlight frames £60

2 Front Doors £60

Nato Green Paint £36

Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

Wiring connectors £3.00

2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

TOTAL £822.86
well you made me smile, then I learned that the handbrake drum comes off without taking the prop

nothing worse that fearing to fart because of impending outflows eh...;)
LOL Im glad someone got some enjoyment out of my pain...from both ends :)

Thanks for the compliment Im enjoying doing it up BUT it looks like there will be a slow down in restoration as I have just got a shift change at work so am back to working day shift which is bloody great!
Posted by min200 Sun, August 10, 2014 18:26:36

I am fundraising for The Outward Bound Trust. These guys do great work with kids who live under the poverty line and try to install some new skills into them and show what you can achieve in life.

Basically its your life and you can achieve just about what you want to.

We are off for a week where there will be hiking and wild camping along with sailing and climbing. A lot of these kids have never been away before.

BUT before this turns into a bad TV begging advert which lets face it we are all numb to and sick to the back teeth of if you have enjoyed keeping up with my blog and if I have made you smile would you just give a pound or two please as I have to hit a target of £500 and this is what pays for the kids.

You can donate directly on this link

Go on give us a quid it will take less time to do than reading all of this has!
A Massive thank you to those folks who have donated! It makes me smile knowing that there are still more folk out there that give a damn than don't.
You people don't shout it from the roof tops just quietly help out and it restores your faith in humanity.

Enough of the sloppy nonsense if anyone else would be happy to part with a pound or two it would be much appreciated!

Now this is the last begging post I will post but I will post a thank you to anymore donations so thanks again folks it will make a difference to these kids.
Im Cursed
Posted by min200 Wed, August 13, 2014 13:22:38

Over the last couple of days I am sure someone has been hiding in the trees opposite my house just waiting for me to start doing anything that is linked to the Land Rover and when I do he turns on the water.

Yesterday I got out the clutch master cylinder and just had time to check that it was the correct part before it started to rain.

Today I decided to get on with painting the replacement wheels. Having been caught out yesterday I had a look up into the sky and thought to myself "ok it's cloudy but doesn't look dark enough for rain". I proceeded to go and get changed into some old kit that I can get paint on without Wifey giving an earful on how I always manage to wreck my clothing and grabbed the key to my shed to get the paint out.

All good so far! So I rummaged around to find an old paint brush and after a few minutes had the brush and paint in hand just in time to hear the start of loud patters on the shed roof!

That was the end of that idea because there is no way I can paint six Land Rover wheels in my 8x6 shed.

So I came indoors and ordered some sand paper and new fuses for the old girl online instead. Hopefully a bit more luck tomorrow or maybe I can sneak out without that chap in the bushes noticing me.

Landy Project Costs

Land Rover £375

Sanding Discs £11.70

Ignition Barrel £20

Heritage letter £21.75

2x Batteries and rear 1/4 light £35

Pair Battery Terminal Clamps £3.99

Floor pan nuts & bolts £6.50

Grinding disc £2.25

Under Seal £8.99

Complete set of lights £85

5 Litres Primer £24.99

4 Discovery Wheels £10.20

Rear Door £21.00

Front Door £20.00

Handbrake spring £1.50

2 Discovery wheels

Two seatbelts

Wing Mirror

2 Headlight surrounds

2 headlight frames £60

2 Front Doors £60

Nato Green Paint £36

Rear Window Seal and insert £9.99

Wiring connectors £3.00

2 tins of silver metal paint £7.00

Fuses & Sandpaper £4.50

TOTAL £827.36
Posted by min200 Thu, August 14, 2014 11:33:10

Remember how I was bragging a few posts ago about how I found a nice cheap Wilkinson alternative to Hammerite? Well ignore because the Wilko stuff is utter crap! It's like trying to paint water onto metal with the colour of cold tea regardless of what the colour is supposed to be on the tin.

So that was a waste of money but hey ho at least it didn't rain on me whilst I was playing with the stuff. Luckily I had a tin of silver spray kicking about and being the impatient bugger I am I decided to blow over the spare wheel I had with it before fitting it to the Landy to A) see what it looked like and B) actually get the poor old girl up on four wheels that had air in them giving me a little more room to get underneath etc.

Now that its on the Landy I don't know whether I want silver wheels at all. Maybe its because I have got used to the dirty mixed coulours of they existing wheels or maybe this wheel is just too silver. Maybe a darker matt silver would look better or maybe black? But Black might be too dark....bloody hell listen to me its only a set of wheels colour and most of the time they should be covered up in mud if I use it right!

What do you lot think then?

Maybe they will grow on me and they will look a lot better with chunkier tyres on. Doesn't really matter for now as I don't have any more spray so I can take some time to think about it.

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