Not at all, just it would be wise when my site comes up as first or second to fourth search on Google with product name and quality problems or a thread I posted on- not to have Landyzone appear under it as well.

I have made my point, they are supposedly going to be more customer focused and sending me a replacement etc

Until they have had a reasonable time to sort it the website stays, but the photo's will not be uploaded- if they resolve it then the site will change to reflect service recieved.

If you want to stick your penis near this product it may not be usable after

why would easye1's penis damage the product?:confused::D
but there`s nothing wrong with my pen!s,
but there`s summit wrong with your product,
so why would I put my pen!s into a non working product you complain of?

unless you`d like me to put my pen!s is something worthwhile,
as you say your product in definately not worthwhile of recieving my pen!s,
or anything of yours either, as Its broke.

I`d like to put my pen!s in something warmly recieptive though,
but lively enough to respond to recieving any pen!s,
be it mine or yours fanatic, females only though,
of an age where drinks are legal to accept them,
and voting is allowed also, so they can vote,
to see if your pen!s is less favorable than my pen!s.

So, to recap,
your end user product dont!
my end user product does,
my favorites are old enough,
but no old enough to be unusable.

Club 18 - 30 sounds just about right then,
I`ll take a dozen...........................:behindsofa:

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