ormus said:
nice job. looks really cool mate.

if you all wanna make a date at YDs then ill come and give a hand with the old wire brush, wet/dry paper etc...

Sounds like a plan Yella, let's go for it, will need a when and where from yer.
slob said:
once you've did his you can come and do mine;;ave got the paint

Oui Slob, but... ain't yer a bit far away in the land of cheese, red wine and crepes (pronounce it 'owever yer want).:p

Perhaps I could start working fer meself like, yers all seem to be gettin' on that band wagon!
some mobile landy painter you turn out to be.... a short ferry trip an its too far. you just wont do it cos i'll no make the tea.
Looks like the pagan dudette has appointed herself my manager ;) firstly, wheels already sold, paint came from anchor supplies, and its light stone, (desert camo') £40 for 5 litres and i still have half a tin left, they only had it in satin, but if you put it on with a roller it comes out matt.........something to do with trapping bubbles.:rolleyes:
I would like to clear up one other matter, me and pagan did not "DO IT" with a paint brush and roller between us.:eek:
Thanks for the offer to come up YD..........will arrive 24th Dec. and might stay until 2nd Jan. 07, just me, the wife and my manageress. oh and small dog.:eek: :D :D :D :D :D

PS. will need level hardstanding with scenic views and pub within staggering distance.
oh yer willing ter bring yer caravan ter my house but not ter france eh, well i'll tell yer this much, me and mine will take as much **** oot of yer caravan as the wole french expo team ;)

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