
Well-Known Member
Every now and then I search Google images for "Land Rover Camper" to see what ideas others' have done and how they have solved problems. Today my Series came up, probably taken last year in a car park at an event. In one way I'm flattered but I also feel a loss of control as the reg is in full view and I didn't know the picture was taken. Happy to leave it but wondered what expereinces other's here had.
I know what you mean. I'm paranoid about theft from reg based location identification and have edited my photos suitably.

On the other hand, we drive round on full view of the public so you can't be completely in control of it.
I used to worry, and deleted number plates on pictures for t'internet, but then realised anyone can see it on the street and can easily get details from .gov website etc so why bother worrying?

I reckon you'd have to have something very special for scroats to bother about .. or literally be only a street away so no effort for them ... ;)
Had someone take a picture of the rear of mine when sat at a roundabout. I decided it was just because it was damn cool looking, roof off with the sun shining.;)

The risk of having your reg displayed online isn't so much that it will be nicked but more that the reg will be cloned and used to nick another similar. Especially if the pic is recent and in a public place because it's then a reasonable assumption it's legal (tax, insurance etc) and a stolen Landy with your plates on is unlikely to attract attention.

I suspect unless your vehicle is something very unusual on the database ie not green Land Rover it's just as easy to have a wander around any carpark and find something close enough that plod won't know the difference anyway.

Certainly doesn't hurt to blank it in posted pics but I'm not convinced it helps much either.

Other opinions are available :)
Thanks all, I agree its no big deal and its probably unavoidable, I'm sure a big sign saying "do not photoghraph" would have the opposite effect. I think it was the intial surprise of finding the image on a search, that has now subsided.
I have a similar problem with women when I park up. They tend to swarm in an attempt to get to me.

Oh no. Thats flies....................................sorry.
So where is it that a .gov web-site will dish out a registered keeper address for a reg. No. Then?
I've clearly led a sheltered life.
So where is it that a .gov web-site will dish out a registered keeper address for a reg. No. Then?
I've clearly led a sheltered life.

The DVLA will sell you the address if you supply the reg number. It's how parking enforcement firms know where to send their ''fines'.
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The DVLA will sell you the address if you supply the reg number. It's how parking enforcement firms know where to send their ''fines'.
that's half true.

"The law allows the DVLA to disclose vehicle keeper information to those who can demonstrate a reasonable cause for requiring it. Reasonable cause is not defined in legislation but the Government’s policy is that it should relate to the vehicle or its use, following incidents where there may be liability on the part of the driver. Guidance on what constitutes reasonable cause is published online at"

Source :
Just register yourself as a private parking enforceement company with the added benefit that you can issue spurious parking tickets with no basis and then send then "debt collection opeeratives" (large size). Cynical, me?
I'm with Rob, if a company can set itself up to disburse illegitimate fines to people and the DVLA are prepared to facilitate this for 3 quid an address (or whatever it is) then it's open season on Swansea's database as far as I'm concerned.

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