aye cycling can be dangerous,no joke,yesterday morning this bloody van pulls out in front,i know he saw me cus he replied to my explicit hand movements with the rough equivelent straight away,when i had finished my sign language and looked forweard again.....he only had the bloody nerve to be pulling a 30ft f,ing trailer loaded with rowing boats across my path !!
Oops,this is a get well soon message,not an angry cyclist rant !

GET WELL SOON,best wishes 4 xmas.

Tell yer Princess to get well soon, an tell her the housework needs doin so she better hurry up...:) regards cartman690...

The pain is getting better and she should be in a lighter cast by tomorrow :) but she still has to spend another night in there. i got her little entertainment screen thing working and got her on the internet. i showed her the thread, she was very happy that your all being so nice :) cheers guys.

i also gave her the cut out landy thing with some pencils and glue :D will post some pics up tomorrow!

thanks for the support


The pain is getting better and she should be in a lighter cast by tomorrow :) but she still has to spend another night in there. i got her little entertainment screen thing working and got her on the internet. i showed her the thread, she was very happy that your all being so nice :) cheers guys.

i also gave her the cut out landy thing with some pencils and glue :D will post some pics up tomorrow!

thanks for the support


kinell thats a ****er, you'll have ter get yer mam round ter tidy up before she gets home ;)
Looks like it will be me! we were planning on staying in Bristol this year anyway (i usually go back to the valleys to see my family and lisa goes back to Bodmin to see her folks) this was going to be our 1st xmas together.

ive never cooked xmas dinner... never cooked sunday dinner! im fooked!

I've got experience of girls from down Bodmin - if you know what I mean;)
yer, you prob got one of 'er sisters ;) any good greenlanes down yr way treworgey? i couldnt find any near Bodmin, i just went bouncing around rough tor for a bit...

I'm not really into laning - I do all the off-roading I need on the land we rent for shooting. I've never looked for green lanes around here.
I know that some people play around on Caradon Hill near to Minions, but I think this is illicit - there's been irate letters in the local paper from the ramblers and the bluebottles have promised to clamp down.
Another place (again not kosher I think) is around Bodmin Airfield and Cardinham.
Sorry I can't be more helpful - try the Devon and Cornwall LR Club website.

shes out, got her back home now :) didnt realise it was going to be so much work though :( its only been 4 hours!

Lisa says thank you for the support :D



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