I think there's something in the sites regs about cables being buried but we can certainly ask what's needed to make it possible.
some really good ideas- we tried to incorporate some of the suggestions from the year before and bits definately were better but its always good to know more ways to improve. :)

Food- Like the idea of the food tickets beforehand - we can't do the same as this year just not possible ( unless anyone else is brave/foolhardy enough to try :D ) and without confirmed numbers we can't get catering vans interested - will have to ponder on this

Toilets - they are soooo expensive - think we could have done with an extra blue tardis toilet placed on the far side of the field in addition to the cabins by the entrance - that shouldn't be too expensive. Re toilet stationery- we can allocate that to be someones job next year to keep the loos stocked up

Noise- we did have a few complaints about the Friday night when I went back to the site on the Moday to return the key - (ROY- you know I'm talking to you !!! ) but overall Sharon said it hadn't caused too many problems but on a personal note - having cooked since the early hours and then spending all day putting up marquees and tents then doing the BBQ and generally rushing about I had a distinct sense of humour fail when the music carried on past 1.15am and to say I was ****ed off was an understatement. If we're selling this as a family event - I'm not sure how playing " you can't say c**t in canada at full volume at 1am fits with it myself :rolleyes:

Marquee- as has been said - we have to go by the entrance because of the power cables - if we put it in the middle we lose power ( apparantly ) and although we had one genny -kindly donated by Listerdeseil- anything else costs a considerable bit more

Introductions- we can certainly have fixed times to meet and greet and we could hand out flyers when you sign in with the info on

Badges- we listened from last year- got badges and the feckin things kept flipping over to the blank side :mad:- next year- double sided badges :D

Dogs- well I'm not overly keen myself but could tolerate them but they were a royal pain in the arse when we were cooking and a couple nearly ended up in the microwave if they hadn't of fecked off when they did - we need to baricade the area off or they need to be on leads around the marquee- or alternatively shoot the lot of them ( but apparantly that's not friendly or allowed :D )

Dates- we can't have the BH at the site- they already have the VW rally in May and other BHols are the caravan's busiest times - we could look to have it later on - but we have to be trying to stay away from the Landy Shows that start happening from June onwards to Sept

As said before - I am all for considering alternative venues for this event and having it northern one year and southern the next might be an option but it means people have to bring viable options to the forum for discussion. A lot of the stuff we have learnt from the last couple of years can be transfered to another location but other stuff you'd have to source in that location so If you fancy it up north then come up with some sites to hold it ,costings ,toilet hire, genny hire , food supplies/catering arrangement costings, hotel accomodation - you also need to sort out a little band of organisers in that area- trust me - its too big to do by yourself and then put it to accy and roy to consider. The lanes are generally the bit that's the easiest bit to organise - don't just say we have cracking lanes can we have it up here- we need more meat on the bone to make a decision to change it

hi..has you hear of our hopes for next year at LZ bash??

if you have..dates!!!!!?????kinda important!!venue very important as mary's mum cant travel more than 2hrs as cant my dad cos it will kill him.(actually will)..please down south if not at Stanford Hall..

re all the rest ie bogs, food marquee..WE will be contributing ££££ if you agree to us doing what we plan with LZ...(£££ upfront not on the day)

IF you no idea what am on about PLEASEEEEE speak to Blue Beasty..

Mary and simon (zen)
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I didn't make it but have been to the same sort of gathering with Bikers (doing another in July).
One idea is to get some 45 gal drums, cut in half and made in to BBQ's, everyone chucks money in a kitty for charcoal and the drums.....people then bring their own food to cook, that way you pull everyone into the one area and everyone is responsible for their own food....
If bog roll is such an issue, everyone takes their own couple of sheets....
The antifreeze, that sounds like a Stilton Cheese round that appeared at every Bike do during the 2014 camps.......luckily it was kept chilled between each gathering....
I had children talk at me for hours... I'm not good with children :eek: don't they ask a lot of questions!! :lol: I'm stopping in my tent next year :p

was yasmin one of them?:lol::lol:she does not shut up ,just come back from walking the dogs after work,she has fried me
I didn't make it but have been to the same sort of gathering with Bikers (doing another in July).
One idea is to get some 45 gal drums, cut in half and made in to BBQ's, everyone chucks money in a kitty for charcoal and the drums.....people then bring their own food to cook, that way you pull everyone into the one area and everyone is responsible for their own food....
If bog roll is such an issue, everyone takes their own couple of sheets....
The antifreeze, that sounds like a Stilton Cheese round that appeared at every Bike do during the 2014 camps.......luckily it was kept chilled between each gathering....

+1 bbq pit for peeps to cook own food and then turn it into a pit fire for the evening. stick logs/seating around it. surely we can weld up something as a portable fire pit.
was yasmin one of them?:lol::lol:she does not shut up ,just come back from walking the dogs after work,she has fried me

Haha she was very sweet but did ask a lot of questions. After lots of beer and 3 hours sleep it was a little taxing! I will never forget she will be 12 next year :D

However, your kids cleared up the marquee and took Purdey for a walk on Sunday morning which was amazing!
Haha she was very sweet but did ask a lot of questions. After lots of beer and 3 hours sleep it was a little taxing! I will never forget she will be 12 next year :D

However, your kids cleared up the marquee and took Purdey for a walk on Sunday morning which was amazing!

yep there both good kids,tom and yas,we had my cousin there as well,he is toms age,what a quiet kid,seemed totally board ,to much games consoles not enough outdoor activities me thinks
Next year can we keep Les away from those bloody raffle tickets when I'm a bit ****ed with cash in me pocket. Bought loads and won bog all.

Not true you won 5ltrs of AntiFreeze.. :D Did you know I won the optima Redtop :p :p :cool: Well I bought the winning ticket but had same effect.

+1 bbq pit for peeps to cook own food and then turn it into a pit fire for the evening. stick logs/seating around it. surely we can weld up something as a portable fire pit.

+1 I bought a coleman stove & cooked all my own food on it. Selfish I know but at £4.50 a round for the 3 of us It would have been a very expensive weekend for us. A communal cooking area would have been good. Not sure that you can tell peeps that they have to buy their food from the Marquee. Only other option is to either get peeps to prebook/prepay if they want food or not provide any food at all. OR accept that if you so provide food there's a chance you'll take a loss or waste some of it.

Other than that I don't think there's any thing else you can do to the current format to improve it. I did suggest possibly piggybacking the event onto an established Landy show. & approaching the organisers for a discount for a bulk ticket purchase, and a massive club stand so anyone who wants to turn up can do so.
some really good ideas- we tried to incorporate some of the suggestions from the year before and bits definately were better but its always good to know more ways to improve. :)

Food- Like the idea of the food tickets beforehand - we can't do the same as this year just not possible ( unless anyone else is brave/foolhardy enough to try :D ) and without confirmed numbers we can't get catering vans interested - will have to ponder on this

Toilets - they are soooo expensive - think we could have done with an extra blue tardis toilet placed on the far side of the field in addition to the cabins by the entrance - that shouldn't be too expensive. Re toilet stationery- we can allocate that to be someones job next year to keep the loos stocked up

Noise- we did have a few complaints about the Friday night when I went back to the site on the Moday to return the key - (ROY- you know I'm talking to you !!! ) but overall Sharon said it hadn't caused too many problems but on a personal note - having cooked since the early hours and then spending all day putting up marquees and tents then doing the BBQ and generally rushing about I had a distinct sense of humour fail when the music carried on past 1.15am and to say I was ****ed off was an understatement. If we're selling this as a family event - I'm not sure how playing " you can't say c**t in canada at full volume at 1am fits with it myself :rolleyes:

Marquee- as has been said - we have to go by the entrance because of the power cables - if we put it in the middle we lose power ( apparantly ) and although we had one genny -kindly donated by Listerdeseil- anything else costs a considerable bit more

Introductions- we can certainly have fixed times to meet and greet and we could hand out flyers when you sign in with the info on

Badges- we listened from last year- got badges and the feckin things kept flipping over to the blank side :mad:- next year- double sided badges :D

Dogs- well I'm not overly keen myself but could tolerate them but they were a royal pain in the arse when we were cooking and a couple nearly ended up in the microwave if they hadn't of fecked off when they did - we need to baricade the area off or they need to be on leads around the marquee- or alternatively shoot the lot of them ( but apparantly that's not friendly or allowed :D )

Dates- we can't have the BH at the site- they already have the VW rally in May and other BHols are the caravan's busiest times - we could look to have it later on - but we have to be trying to stay away from the Landy Shows that start happening from June onwards to Sept

As said before - I am all for considering alternative venues for this event and having it northern one year and southern the next might be an option but it means people have to bring viable options to the forum for discussion. A lot of the stuff we have learnt from the last couple of years can be transfered to another location but other stuff you'd have to source in that location so If you fancy it up north then come up with some sites to hold it ,costings ,toilet hire, genny hire , food supplies/catering arrangement costings, hotel accomodation - you also need to sort out a little band of organisers in that area- trust me - its too big to do by yourself and then put it to accy and roy to consider. The lanes are generally the bit that's the easiest bit to organise - don't just say we have cracking lanes can we have it up here- we need more meat on the bone to make a decision to change it

Is it bollocks!:mad:
Is it bollocks!:mad:

+ 1 did you try and plan the lanes NO Did you go out checking lanes NO so how can you say that was the easiest part, It was bloody hard work and took a lot of time sorting by Hideehi , Funky kipper and myself :mad::mad::mad:
I myself found the event to be lot more organised this year, the laning was excellent and the events board useful.
I only have one complaint/gripe or whatever you want to call it was the dog messing, I have dogs and understand they have toilet needs but just leaving it where people and kids are playing is unacceptable. (It wasn't all the dogs or owners but a minority)
Maybe some signs around the camping/tenting area with some black rubbish bags to enable them to dispose.
Toilets, didn't miss them as had caravan
Showers, that's for glam ping not a weekend jaunt
Beer prices - would have expected a cheaper price than pub prices
Raffle, good, what about an auction next year
Thanks to all those good peeps behind the scenes for a good weekend
+ 1 did you try and plan the lanes NO Did you go out checking lanes NO so how can you say that was the easiest part, It was bloody hard work and took a lot of time sorting by Hideehi , Funky kipper and myself :mad::mad::mad:

If after knowing how much effort you and hideeput into receeing the lanes you don't think I get how much you did then you're dafter than you look :p

What I was trying to suggest is that a number of people in different parts of the country have a number of lanes and routes they already know. What I suggested was that just having that knowledge was the least of the stuff needed for a weekend event. Now both of you stop being so touchy ...everyone bar none has raved about the laning you did a fantastic job....oh and btw....I never said a proper thanks for the sarnie on Friday morning :)
Considering it was camping, which is my idea of hell, it was great :D

I didn't starve and managed showers (thanks to gdhaydock who took his caravan :D)

Still cant image why people would choose tents over a nice hotel but each to their own :D

I will be going next year
+ 1 did you try and plan the lanes NO Did you go out checking lanes NO so how can you say that was the easiest part, It was bloody hard work and took a lot of time sorting by Hideehi , Funky kipper and myself :mad::mad::mad:

Chill folks, I'm well aware of the amount of effort that went in and it's very much appreciated.

It is true though that lots of laning groups have lots of choice and knowledge of lanes in their area but that alone won't get a gathering off the ground.

It took about 3 months to even find a venue last year and in the end the venue decided where the gathering would be rather than where we wanted. We were looking further north but we're turned down time and again.

I'd love to see more laning weekends like the bouncing bakewell and the chippy run happening but building an annual gathering is a different beast.
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Thing is, if anyone moans about certain bits of the weekend then perhaps they should volunteer to do things 'better' next year?
Thing is, if anyone moans about certain bits of the weekend then perhaps they should volunteer to do things 'better' next year?
on the other hand if you have a thread for feedback and suggestions then shoot down anyone who dares criticise anything it all becomes a bit pointless
I myself found the event to be lot more organised this year, the laning was excellent and the events board useful.
I only have one complaint/gripe or whatever you want to call it was the dog messing, I have dogs and understand they have toilet needs but just leaving it where people and kids are playing is unacceptable. (It wasn't all the dogs or owners but a minority)
Maybe some signs around the camping/tenting area with some black rubbish bags to enable them to dispose.
Toilets, didn't miss them as had caravan
Showers, that's for glam ping not a weekend jaunt
Beer prices - would have expected a cheaper price than pub prices
Raffle, good, what about an auction next year
Thanks to all those good peeps behind the scenes for a good weekend

We did have the option (nearly enforced upon us) of running our own bar which would have meant we could have sold it cheaper and maybe made a few quid but the issue is the same as the food....

How much to buy in, what if we run out/have loads left?

It was a relief tbh when the offer of a bar was made as it was one less thing to worry about.

There was a standby panic team and I'm sure it would've been great.

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