Hi there, I <3 my discovery, I mean - whats not to love?

But I am having a running debate with my better half in which she claims I am in denial about what is to become of diesel engines. She found the following news items (below) as evidence of the way things are going. But I am just not going along with it!!

I would be very interested in others views on this nasty anti diesel trend.

And further to this -
"Diesel vehicles face charges after UK government loses air pollution case - Ministers now bound to implement new measures to cut toxic air quickly after high court ruling that current plans are so poor they are illegal" (https://www.theguardian.com/environ...-after-uk-government-loses-air-pollution-case)​

"The government wants five major cities - Birmingham, Leeds, Southampton, Derby and Nottingham - to create clean zones which would charge some of the most polluting vehicles. In addition, London is creating an ultra-low emissions zone. But will this work? And will it be enough." (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-38814297)
"In the UK, campaigners are calling for London's mayor to commit to phase out diesel vehicles from London by 2025.." (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-38170794)
"Paris, Madrid, Athens, and Mexico City will ban diesel vehicles by 2025: After years of being promoted, the fuel is rapidly falling from favour."
Talk about threads which age well :)

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