
Children :D

:rolleyes: no comment ....:D
wow spudy .. that owl is amazin , its fookin huge ... more piccies if you can .
i bet he could take yer face off in a heart beat if he wanted too ....
what do you feed him on ??

i will up some more pic's as and when i find them rick, i have a few of him out flying(on the cord as i said thou :( )..

as for feeding, they take a mixture of day old's(chick's), rats, rabbit and quail..all of which are blast frozen feed stock rather than live, however sam and oscer both take rats mice or what ever else that decided's to walk into the avery :cool:

as for taking your face off it could do serious damge if it wanted too but worst that you useual get is footed or a quick nip..

getting footed hurts as they have power enough to pop a tennis ball in thier talons, getting nipped isent too bad but you still need to be wary as they rip pray to piece's so taking yer thumb or finger's off insent a great challange:eek:

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