the hooded claw

Well-Known Member
Ok .....

My Dog cost me 87,000 Quid ........WHY?? We did a Heating job fer the RSPCA & the Buggers never paid us .....But they did let me have a Collie X puppy.

thonly thing I got out of the job ..................Oh! & before anyone asks ....My dog is the Black & white thing in the photo ......the other is the Missus!! .............eeeerrrrrrr then again ,,,,,:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D:D

Ooopppss!!! can't type now fingers crushed by rolling pin !!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D


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Ok .....

My Dog cost me 87,000 Quid ........WHY?? We did a Heating job fer the RSPCA & the Buggers never paid us .....But they did let me have a Collie X puppy.

thonly thing I got out of the job ..................Oh! & before anyone asks ....My dog is the Black & white thing in the photo ......the other is the Missus!! .............eeeerrrrrrr then again ,,,,,:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D:D

Ooopppss!!! can't type now fingers crushed by rolling pin !!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

If it were me mate for £87,0000 quid debt the dogs head would have been chopped off and found in the fokers bed. In terms of crushed fingers, that's the starting point. Here's a fookin puppy indeed.

I need somebody to fit a solar heating system, you interested?
Doesn't take long does it! Our friend farmer james got a new black lab puppy molly a while back now, she's gorgeous, beautifully bred, she's being brought up as a gun dog now. she could sit in your hand a few months ago, but now she barely fits in the ifor back laid down haha.
Doesn't take long does it! Our friend farmer james got a new black lab puppy molly a while back now, she's gorgeous, beautifully bred, she's being brought up as a gun dog now. she could sit in your hand a few months ago, but now she barely fits in the ifor back laid down haha.
nice one;) Mines is used tae the gun aswell. When ever she hears the keys goin' into the gun cabinet, she's right by my side waitin' until ah pull a gun out then she's almost doin' cartwheels!!! Ah think ah ****ed her off the other day tho'! Ah was meant tae be goin' pigeon shootin', got me gear together and phoned me mate to say ah was ready... He had to call it off for some reason or another.. and me dog took the huff!!! She was even more huffed with me cos ah left her at home that night to do some lampin' with another mate:eek: :eek: :D

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