We've had burgers and sausages cooked by Pikey and a lovely curry... cooked by someone... haven't got a f**king clue who anyone is here... but the beer is flowing :)
Right... Display boards created by 110Woman who sadly can't now make it. but the result of her hard work...

(sneaky preview of the new LZIR stickers too)
Bump........ Good job with the update........... thanks.

110 women great looking job and LZIR sticker looks just great
Bump........ Good job with the update........... thanks.

I'll be here all weekend* providing regular**(ish) updates :D

*until Sunday lunch time anyway

**depending on quantity of alcohol consumed or how covered in oil my hands are
Tents all up, now its just tent and beer and music till the early hours...

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Well those of us not there can play a new game - guess the LZ member - or those of you in the know could help us out
Did we have to have a picture of me in a bottomless puddle in the fundraising?!!!!!!!!!!
Someone pass on a hug to Freddy 007 for me :)
Well those of us not there can play a new game - guess the LZ member - or those of you in the know could help us out

I can get pikey and mints in the top left bit but that's about it!

Tbh though, everyone looks ####ing miserable. Glad I'm here in the warm with a nice beer!!!
Red and Minty along with Fanny, who can ever forget that face:D:lol: Then who is grizzly Adams and guy next to Fanny

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