
New Member
So I read a lot of threads on here and notice some seemed to get hijacked by people having slagging matches, bitching and winding each other up. So I thought I would start a thread in the freelander section where all are welcome to vent. I will go first... I drive a freelander 1.8 XEI probably the worst landrover out there bit there are lots of little cubbyhole holes for my hair straighteners / merkins / nail files and it has nice big wing mirrors so I can look at myself. The doors have not fallen off yet bit I live in hope they someday will so the car can fufill it destiny. they only reason I drive it is because I can't afford a discovery or a rangey. I spent all my money on bleach for my hair and full sack and crack waxes. One day I might be able to afford a car that does not break down all the time but until then I suppose I'm putting the AA mans kids through Uni.

Don't be shy tratter boys I know your probably foaming at the mouth by now!
well done mate you bought a car you could afford.Can store you gear and suits your looks nothing wrong with that statement.Think you would have more abuse if your asked wer you could store your straighteners in my series.
That's exactly the sort of thing I mean.... A thread started for a reason then spirals off into an argument between a few people and goes completely off topic! Use the pm system to abuse each other!
Maybe you should all meet in a big flat dry field and have a hairdressers Gaylander off roading day. You could award a free set of curling tongues to the one who dares to drive over the biggest stone without cacking themselves. :mooning:
I don't know why the 'trattorboys' always assume that Freelanders are owned and driven by hairdressers. My second car is a 1,8 Freelander and I have never cut any ones hair. I do know a couple of very nice flight attendants and a couple of extremely pleasant stewards in the merchant navy but that is beside the point. To the previous poster who was obviously concerned about fitting his curling tongs into his 'series' I say don't worry, there is always a way and kept wrapped in a piece of oily rag no one need ever know they were there.
Maybe you should all meet in a big flat dry field and have a hairdressers Gaylander off roading day. You could award a free set of curling tongues to the one who dares to drive over the biggest stone without cacking themselves. :mooning:

Yah and first place gets a tube of ben-gay:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
Maybe you should all meet in a big flat dry field and have a hairdressers Gaylander off roading day. You could award a free set of curling tongues to the one who dares to drive over the biggest stone without cacking themselves. :mooning:

Comedy genius, that made me **** myself. :hysterically_laughi.
So I read a lot of threads on here and notice some seemed to get hijacked by people having slagging matches, bitching and winding each other up. So I thought I would start a thread in the freelander section where all are welcome to vent. I will go first... I drive a freelander 1.8 XEI probably the worst landrover out there bit there are lots of little cubbyhole holes for my hair straighteners / merkins / nail files and it has nice big wing mirrors so I can look at myself. The doors have not fallen off yet bit I live in hope they someday will so the car can fufill it destiny. they only reason I drive it is because I can't afford a discovery or a rangey. I spent all my money on bleach for my hair and full sack and crack waxes. One day I might be able to afford a car that does not break down all the time but until then I suppose I'm putting the AA mans kids through Uni.

Don't be shy tratter boys I know your probably foaming at the mouth by now!
Mrfulwel you have seemed to filled all the cubby holes :eek: I ask you wer do you keep the spare head gasket as you have seemed to have filled everyone with your beauty paraphernalia:eek:
My gaylander has been sorted out with the new gasket and thermostat mod, which did annoy me as I had to spend cash on that instead of buying myself a nice Drambuie and Cherryade at the local blue oyster bar.
Better still get the petrol ones (if there's any still running by then) a mountain of duff head gaskets to try and drive over. Mind you that would be so high you'd need a real Landy to climb over it :p
There is nothing wrong with pink fluffy steering wheel covers, or any colour for that matter but they are probably more useful in 'proper' Landys' simply because they give the owner / driver some where to wipe their hands free of oil without having to find a rag.
Ooh do you do haircuts mrfullwell?
I'd like a little off the sides please and my misses wants her nails doing

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