
New Member
Motorbikers have an unwritten rule where they nod or wave to fellow bikers when they pass each other. Do you think Freelander owners should have something similar? I'm thinking a crossed fingers salute. Any others?
Good question

Ive always rode motorcycles, sold my last one in Aug 10 being a cbr1100xx Blackbird, picking up a VFR800 in 2 weeks, long drive back from Yorkshire hope it isnt snowing.
The biker curtesy nod seems to have died off in recent years. I cant see Freelander owners starting to wave at each other while driving passed but since owning my car have really got into the freelander stuff and would probably stop and try to help if seing another Freelander in need of help.
nuff said
FFS you might as well ave said "take the feckin **** out of me now"

A guy in a 110 csw waved at me the other day, i just pretended in dint appen and carried along on me merry way.
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I always wave to bikes when on my bike but in the Freelander, after reading threads on here, I'm just too busy watching for warning lights and listening for unusual noises.
as a biker and a freelander owner, i do notice a difference. seems the two breeds are total opposites. motorcyclists are friendlier and down to earth, but sorry so have to say this but people with land rovers in general seem to be snobby.
in my own defence i must admit i do stop and offer a helping hand if i see them parked at the side of the road and looking like they have broken down. it also seems that people are far less concerned for their fellow road user these days.
Motorbikers have an unwritten rule where they nod or wave to fellow bikers when they pass each other. Do you think Freelander owners should have something similar? I'm thinking a crossed fingers salute. Any others?

Come on mate, stop dreaming :doh: Just how often do you think there'll be two hippos on the road and working at the same time, other than on recovery trucks that is :D:D
Iv'e started to wave at Bikers from my Freelander, since i learned they wear tights under there leathers to keep out the cold during the cold months

And, in winter, Deep pile Long johns and matching top with Cozy socks from Matalan. GOOD ON YA LADS

Having said that you won't see many now till mmm, Easter and that's if it's a warth one..:D
as a biker and a freelander owner, i do notice a difference. seems the two breeds are total opposites. motorcyclists are friendlier and down to earth, but sorry so have to say this but people with land rovers in general seem to be snobby.
in my own defence i must admit i do stop and offer a helping hand if i see them parked at the side of the road and looking like they have broken down. it also seems that people are far less concerned for their fellow road user these days.

How do you determine "looking like they have broken down":confused::confused::confused:

If I'm parked at the side of the road I'm more than likely taking a ****, if you stop and offer help ya'll get a ****ing head butt mate.
(No bitterness intended fur t*atter) :D:D
Iv'e started to wave at Bikers from my Freelander, since i learned they wear tights under there leathers to keep out the cold during the cold months

Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it ;)

ps. crutchless ones are the best.
Having said that you won't see many now till mmm, Easter and that's if it's a warth one..:D

I commute all year round on my ZX6-R unless it's physically snowing.

And I don't wear tights :p

as a biker and a freelander owner, i do notice a difference. seems the two breeds are total opposites. motorcyclists are friendlier and down to earth, but sorry so have to say this but people with land rovers in general seem to be snobby.
in my own defence i must admit i do stop and offer a helping hand if i see them parked at the side of the road and looking like they have broken down. it also seems that people are far less concerned for their fellow road user these days.

I agree - you can always talk to another biker when parked up somewhere / anywhere.....there's a kind of 'code' - look out for one another!!!

I think it's cos bikers are in the minority and those in the minority look out for each other.

FL owners maybe in the minority, but ppl see them as 4x4's and therefore doing damage, harm, even destruction to the environment, so basically people don't give a ****e if you've broken down!!!! And they probably laugh when they drive past in their Prius or wotever light bulb they're driving.....

Apologies - had a bad day - on a rant!!!
I commute all year round on my ZX6-R unless it's physically snowing.

And I don't wear tights :p

You should, have heard from an old Korean war fighter they weared them when on guard. And it was cold there. (They only feared one thing, being shot while on guard....):D

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