Can't say that I completely understood the article (although I got the jist) - but maybe that's why the Government chose to ignore the study.....?? :rolleyes:


Can't say that I completely understood the article (although I got the jist) - but maybe that's why the Government chose to ignore the study.....?? :rolleyes:

But is car tax anything to do with emissions? It was never anything to do with road repair/maintenance. Its just money for Darling & Co to waste.
I will be paying £400 odd although I do a relatively small mileage, someone with a small car who uses it every 5 minutes and makes far more gas than me will pay less tax. Whats wrong with simply taxing the fuel we use, apart from this not pleasing the tree huggers who want to wipe out 4x4's?
Completely agree - tax the fuel, scrap the road tax. Therefore the more you drive (or guzzle), the more you pay.

My grandfather up until last year was driving a Talbot Horizon (dont laugh) 1.5L. He was paying high tax and only covered 200 miles per year!!


can you not see the draw back of that for someone who live in the country side and also the price of all transported goods would rise also what about the fuel thieves :eek:
can you not see the draw back of that for someone who live in the country side and also the price of all transported goods would rise also what about the fuel thieves :eek:

I agree that the fuel prices are a few pence per litre more expensive in remote areas.

Think about those who dont pay road tax and keep getting away with it. No need for camera's and roadside checks as if you fill your car you are paying the duty.

Theft is a widespread issue - I'm surprised that the lorries at the side of the roads dont get their tanks emptied at night. (It must happen) A good lock will prevent this.
Interestig thoughts.
It amazes me that the 'tree huggers' always seem to manage to get to locations around the country to protest - on their push bikes i presume - after all they won't want to spend the tax mans hard earned hand outs will they??

Sorry if i sound bitter but any British govmt is as bad as the next - tax the working man tax anything we enjoy - drive around in massive jags which they claim expenses for - fuel going up? no problem. vote ourselves a rise in expenses!

Anyway I do agree (sort of) with any tax being added to fuel BUT why have road tax in the first place? Why not just register your vehicle in France or somewhere then drive it legally in the UK as all the foreign trucks do....

And fuel is stolen yes - I have a haulage company - we get thefts from parked vehicles often - at £300 a tank full its an easy gain. Locks don't prevent it - the theif doesn't care about a lock - screwdriver through the tank wall, catch what you can and let the rest go down the drain! It happens.
if as you proposed but more revenue on fuel instead of ved the a tank of fuel would be !!
a good lock on the fuel tank is ok but what about the drain plug underneath'
also we would not be able to afford fuel and extra cost of food due to transport costs .
also i run a transit for work being a self employed builder and things aint good at the moment people are worrying about mortgages and not sanctioning any extensions and only having emergency repairs done as you drive around look at the building sites work is slowing because building firms are worried they wont be able to sell the houses at a profit!
but back to fuel prices everything revolves around transport cost to an extent
and has to be paid for that would force a recession for definite.
You will always have people evading tax ie no ved or using red diesel but you would force people to break the law to make ends meet.
what this country needs is some bollocks to stand up and say no to the government and mean it can you imagine the french standing for half the sh*t we do here.
Better still get out of europe and do like Australia did when the boat people tried to land they had a war ship refusing to let the dock not like here when we invite people in then house them and teach them a expense to our own folks'
any way plenty of bable from me not my favorite subject at the moment
Theft is a widespread issue - I'm surprised that the lorries at the side of the roads dont get their tanks emptied at night. (It must happen) A good lock will prevent this.

I'm a coach driver and all our coaches now have lockable fuel flaps and anti-syphon filler nozzles. They are a bugger to use as they are tightly spring loaded and nearly always splash back when they cut off.

Still with upto 500 litres in the tank I can see why the boss has them!!


Whatever happened to Lpg? Few years ago that was what we were suppose to be using in the 21st century. No garages near me sell it. Oil company's seem to be dictating what fuel we use.
If you read some of the posts on this article you can see that there are lots of different views , all of them with some validity, and , also, people on other forums are just as abusive as us but with a lot less humour.
Remember all the fuss about no one wanting road charging per mile? A million signed the petition etc.

Strange how the VED has shot through the roof this budget. Suddenly everyone with a 3ltr that drives 10 miles a year says its not fair it should be on fuel duty - polluter pays. Can anyone else see whats going on here?

They just made it a whole lot more appealing for a lot of people. I warn against this however - look whats happened in London with congestion charging. Used to be 5 quid will be 25 if you drive a big car.
Remember all the fuss about no one wanting road charging per mile? A million signed the petition etc.

Strange how the VED has shot through the roof this budget. Suddenly everyone with a 3ltr that drives 10 miles a year says its not fair it should be on fuel duty - polluter pays. Can anyone else see whats going on here?

They just made it a whole lot more appealing for a lot of people. I warn against this however - look whats happened in London with congestion charging. Used to be 5 quid will be 25 if you drive a big car.

Out of interest I wonder just how many they've made it more appealing to?
Seems to me that any potential benefits are pretty much wiped out by the rising fuel costs - tax on fuel is as a % so the government have got their increased revenue from this already and are able to blame it rising oil costs rather than a tax hike.
Think about it - the cost of running any vehicle has gone up significantly regardless of whether the government increased tax/duty or not
Because they get around 60-70% of every litre sold, the higher the price of fuel the more they get without having to increase duty.

Frankly I'm sick of funding wars/layabouts/mp's lavish lifestyles etc etc..

it dosent help that we have 2 taxes on fuel (duty 'n vat) and our yank cousins pay a whopping $1.50 a gallon !

road tax is getting stupid, eco warriors are a pain in the arse !!!!!!!
Interesting that you say "whatever happend to lpg",- am considering swapping my petrol Freelander sometime this year, and one of the pieces of advice i have been given is to buy a vehicle with lpg. Am i therefore to think that this is not a good route to take, if the fuel is not readily available?
Interesting that you say "whatever happend to lpg",- am considering swapping my petrol Freelander sometime this year, and one of the pieces of advice i have been given is to buy a vehicle with lpg. Am i therefore to think that this is not a good route to take, if the fuel is not readily available?

This might be useful. Type in your postcode or town and it lists lpg stockists in your area.

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