Not Spending Money.
The 110 Posted by Nicky Smith Sun, January 29, 2017 15:02:22
You have probably noticed that there has been very little on the Land Rover front lately.
This is for two reasons.
The first is quite frankly I needed a bit of a break away from the damned thing. It was starting to grate, as most of you know, on my nerves and the constant working every spare minute was leaving me feeling exhausted as well as fed up with the whole process.
The second reason is that I also have a house that I am doing up and after all of the dedication to The 110 the house was feeling a little neglected.

This years plan for the house after last years running start on it was to get the conservatory finished. That is as much as I wanted to put upon myself house work wise and this seems like a good plan.
Firstly I had to build up the inner wall. It has been well over ten years since I last built any sort of wall and this took me two days along with a raging back ache!
Ten years ago it would have been a day job but even at the spring chicken age of forty three I have noticed I am slowing down in certain areas. Heavy block lifting and wall building being one of them.
Patience it seems is a virtue though and the wall is straight and true meaning that I have not lost my knack, only my speed.


That was a couple of weeks ago so this weekend involved deciding on how we wanted the conservatory to look, then going to buy some masonry paint, then some poor smuck had to paint the first coat onto the exposed brick wall...yep that would be me.




The before and after effects are pretty good even if I do say so myself! We will be going with an "Industrial" type look on the painted brick wall with old lights and conduit piping for the electrics.

With this lot going on I had declared to my ever suffering Wife that I would "Not be spending any money on The 110 this month" because we have just been paid.

That lasted about an hour. I ordered the primer and paints needed to make the Landy look good but "That's it. Nothing else for it this month" were the next words out of my mouth.
In all fairness to me I lasted about seven hours before a set of chequer plate wing tops and bonnet top came up on the internet at a price I could not refuse...

That's it though I am skint. I am not buying anything else for it this month. I have given my debit card to Wifey and put parental access controls onto the sale pages and websites that suck away my cash.
Just nobody tell me they have a cheap 200tdi alternator for sale and I should be alright...
Conservatory is looking good.
Really wish I could do bricklaying... it would save me a fortune!!
Does the bonnet protector mean the spare wheel is going to live on the back door?
If I use the bonnet protector I would drill the holes for mounting on the bonnet through it again I think. I do like a wheel on the front!
I may just sell the bonnet section yet but I have not made my mind up. Need to get some etch primer so I can paint the chequer plate black...
Oh and thanks for the compliment on the brickwork...takes me an age but it gets there saving lots of pennies!!!
Let me know if you decide to sell it.....I may be able to Russel up some pennies (I'm skint too ATM:(). I used Halfords bed liner spray when I painted my wing top protectors.
It adds a nice textured anti slip finish and is proving quite durable after 18 months of me clambering around on there :eek:. I applied it over a couple of coats of etch primer.
I know I said it before but spare wheels should definitely be on the bonnet and it should be written into law!!!:D To be honest I don't think you should sell the bonnet protector. It will look very well fitted with the spare on top.

It would look good wouldn't it and I am tempted to use it now I have it. Didn't even consider it before but now.....
Remember though if it's the full width bonnet protector rather than the one that sits down in the depression it will lift the wheel an inch or so, and not sure how kind chequer plate will be to the tyre's side wall.
Its the type that sits in the centre depression of the bonnet and I would still use the rubbers that are currently fitted to keep the tyre off of the bonnet itself ;)
Rub Back & First Coat.
The 110 Posted by Nicky Smith Tue, February 14, 2017 16:10:13
I shall open with an apology. I have been rather quiet of late but with good reason. That being family. Mine have kept me busy of late so with work added into the mix I have been rather short on hours.
Seeing as I had a week owed holiday wise I have taken the last couple of days to begin the rub down of the bodywork along with adding the first thin coat of primer.






I have to say it is nice to see it nearly all the same colour for a change..
Brill!! You're back :) !!
I've been waiting eagerly for updates!!

So how did you go about prepping?
Wet n dry or machine??
How did you apply the paint and have you had any weather induced issues with it??
I ask as mine is squaddie standard brush painted (except where it has fallen off:D) and will be wanting to address it this year!

Glad you're back!
Seems like you are doing a nice job of it.....the landy looks all white!!! (Did ya see what I did there? Lol :D)

Lol morning Rich :) its nice to be missed! Life has been hectic as hell but hopefully shoukd be plodding along with this again now.
I was a bit scant on info wasnt i...sorry about that!
Right then. I used a little hand held sander that took the alloy corrosion right back. Then i washed the while thing down letting it dry off. The carport was turned into a bit more of a sealed area by tarping up the end of it :)
Then I used a cheap wilkos roller pack to apply but have spare rillers as they dont last too long before they fall apart!
The weather is forecast rain today so i won't bother putting the secons coat on yetbut as the rest of the week is dry i will do so then.
Another reason for not being around is that i published my third book MY CV BOOK 1. The Childhood Years. Its the first in a series and is on Amazon now in paperback and Kindle formats. There's some shameless plugging for ya ,;)
Snoring & Slap On.
The 110 Posted by Nicky Smith Fri, February 17, 2017 06:14:44
My Wife has a problem with snoring. Sounds of deep rumbling along with what I can only describe as several near death experiences due to what seems like strangled suffocation lead to a Doctors appointment being made before Divorce proceedings could begin in earnest.
Not to worry the Doctor says it is probably something simple and that I should begin with losing a few pounds in weight and trying one of those snoring aid things.
After standing at one of the pharmacy aisles at Tescos bewildered for about ten minutes looking a shelves full of all manner of things that promised to give me good nights sleep I just picked up one that was in the middle of the price range and headed home.

So a couple of nights back just before bed I found myself stood in front of Wifeys dressing mirror in the bedroom with a packet nose strips in my hand wondering just how stupid I was going to look in a couple of minutes time. After a sigh to myself I spent a few moments (read that as about six minutes) trying to figure out how to take the sticky backing off of the damned thing before squinting into the mirror without my specs on affixing it across my nose attempting my best Adam Ant impression.

I am one hell of a skeptic when it comes to these sort of aid things but to my complete amazement this little plastic strip opened up my nostrils making breathing easier than it has been in years! To cut a long story short I have had the best two nights sleep in what seems like years and so it would seem has Wifey. She has even gone to the extent of putting away the hammer and knives that seemed to have ominously made their way to her bedside table. This bloody chest infection that pitches up each time I have a week off is still going strong though. I will have to pop back to Tescos and see what magic isle they have for that...

To The 110 then. To be honest it has just been a pottering around it sort of week in between coughing a lung up and feeling rather sorry for myself. The second primer coat went on easily giving a nice sound bed for the top coats.




WHilst that coat was drying I skipped off to the parts shed to dig out the wing chequer plate. I have decided not to use the bonnet chequer plate as the wheel will be mounted on there anyway so it seems like alot of work for something you won't really see. If anyone is interested in it before it gets put up tonight for sale give me a shout.
The wing plates were offered up just to make me smile while pretending the truck was finished.



Out came the etch primer because these bad boys were going to be black in the end.


Then I walked away letting it all dry properly. After a sleep or two I came back suitably dosed up on cold relief pills to break out the black paint. Firstly a nice coat went onto the chequer plate.
This was quickly followed by a good coat on both the roof and bonnet. I will aim to get the second coat on today along with the first coat on the main body. If I can stop coughing long enough that is!



lol Nope not all Black. There will be another colour in the mix too and I am sat at home covered in the stuff. I will be updating the blog either ater or tomorrow so as my poor old Gran used to say...
"Patience is a virtue" ;)
lol Nope not all Black. There will be another colour in the mix too and I am sat at home covered in the stuff. I will be updating the blog either ater or tomorrow so as my poor old Gran used to say...
"Patience is a virtue" ;)

Aye, it is.... BUT, the full saying is, IIRC:-

"Patience is a virtue,
Possess it if you can.
Rarely found in a Woman,
But never in a Man."

We want to know NOW !!!!!

Well you didn't have to wait too long.....

Great Body in a First Coat.
The 110 Posted by Nicky Smith Sat, February 18, 2017 10:31:07
Bear with me today I have a bit of a thick head. That "One for the road" last night may well have tipped me over the edge. Still, while I sit here at the kitchen table with my hangover cure sausages are grilling nicely I thought it best to tell you all of yesterdays progress.

The roof is now black along with the bonnet and the chequer plate. But what colour to do the main body of The 110 I hear you ask? Well I think you are asking, if not those voices in my head are back.
After hours of internet searching looking at pictures, I decided I best start looking at Land Rovers before the Wife caught me at it. These showed me motors in all colours so deciding what I wanted was a tough choice.
I ended with Black (obviously you already know that) and.........

Not overly imaginative but I decided upon the semi gloss finish and I think it has come up quite nicely for a first coat.





The front bumper was looking more than a little drab so I etch primed it so that too can be painted black. I do seem to have more than enough paint!


The second coat should bring it all together nicely! I have also added a couple of extra coats to the bonnet and the roof may well want a couple more too yet. The jury is still out on that one as I need to reverse The 110 out from under the car port into the proper light to have a good look.
Bad Head & Birthday Parties.
The 110 Posted by Nicky Smith Sun, February 19, 2017 08:47:34
I don't booze. No, honestly I don't! The days of that nonsense are far behind me and as I sit here at my kitchen table this morning listening to Radio 2 whilst tenderly nursing a cup of tea I remember why.
I cant take it. Really, I am a big Jess who can no longer take his beer and I am ok with that. Two days of evening drinking and my voice has dropped two octaves. My stomach feels about three times it's normal size and sweet Jesus the smell that is escaping from my backside could solve all of the issues in the middle east in a matter of minutes. Even the dog has abandoned me high tailing it for lower ground.
But it was worth it. It was a good friends surprise 50th Birthday party last night and it's his fault that I feel so bloated...

The 110 was first coat deep when I went outside early yesterday morning to put the second coat on. The second coat is always easier than the first and the finish was looking really good.




So there I was covered in as much paint as the car drinking a brew whilst the headache of the night before was fading when Wifey came and got me to tell me that I had to somehow get my friend Gromit out of the house for a couple of hours because they had to head over to the hall where is party was and set up.
Talk about drop it on me! I was filthy (luckily quite a normal state of affairs) covered in paint and skint to boot. How was I to get my mate out of the house for that long at five minutes notice?

As I wandered along the three doors away to his house with my tea still in my hand I came up with a cunning plan. Well it was cunning in the fact it would get him out but not so cunning that it was going to cost me £50 I didn't have but if I had to spend it I may as well get something I needed.
With a grin when I saw him I asked him "Can I borrow you and your Discovery to collect some chunky window sills for the conservatory please chap?"
With a returning grin he piped back with "Yea why not"

Then after asking his advice on where to go I lead him towards the furthest away from where we were point and off we set.
Well as soon as we were gone so were the women of the two households to get things sorted for the evening.
My first problem was that there was no traffic at all. Because of this we were at the wood yard in fifteen minutes. Of course we found what I needed in another 3 minutes and had the car loaded within ten minutes of getting there. Right then I need a back up plan here...
"Gromit do you mind if we pop into Alfreton? I need to speak to the folks in the leisure centre about my membership"
He looked at me a bit oddly but said "Alright then Nick."

Bear in mind Alfreton was about fifteen miles from where we currently were so a bit of an ask really but in good spirits off we set.
Again no traffic so we were soon at the leisure centre and thankfully Gromit decided to wait in his Disco while I popped in for two minutes.
Indeed it really only took two minutes to do what I needed to do so what the hell could I do know? I decided that having a coffee while I thought about it was a good idea!

I dragged that out for ten minutes then as I was leaving I sent a text to Wifey giving them all a fifteen minute warning. The reply was almost instant saying
"No! drag it out"
Seriously!! I thought to myself. my friend is already looking at me like I am taking the michael here. ONly one more option on the way home...

"Fancy a KFC mate?" I asked
"Not really Nick but we can stop for one if you want"

I didn't I really didn't. About five minutes before this facade had started I had eaten the biggest sausage cob you have ever seen so the thought of a greasy KFC was more than a little unappealing.

"Yes please chap, I am starving" I replied.

Then there I was looking at the menu wondering what I could have that meant I did not have to eat a great deal but it had to be big enough to look like lunch.

I managed to drag that force fed meal out for another twenty five minutes whilst making small talk. By now I was convinced he was suspecting something but a quick trip to the toilet so I could send the text message that we were coming home now and we were on our way home.

We beat the families back. Not to worry they had sent me a message stating they had gone shopping for shoes so my friend and I had a brew whilst comparing notes on how to cut and fix the newly acquired window sills into the conservatory.
Ten minutes passed and the rest of the tribe returned with grins all around and slight nods confirming all was ready for the off in the evening.
While I had Gromit there we popped the bonnet back onto The 110 and that in place, the front bumper painted black and the chequer plate resting on the wings the old boy looks pretty damned good to me!!


By now the time had really cracked on so operation "Get ready, get out and get to the party before your mate sees you" began in earnest.
We got washed and changed. I had to use a pressure washer to remove the paint off of me. Then we crept out into the darkness of our driveway hopped in the car and sped off to the party hall.
My youngest was snaptwatting (I think thats what she called it) Gromits eldest and it turned out he was still sat on his sofa in his pants and t-shirt not relishing the idea he had to go out to a party that evening.
A little persuasion (read that as bullying) from his three daughters and wife soon saw our friend washed and dressed and on his way.

He had no idea the party was for him and the grin on his face as he entered the hall said it all! A conversation a little later on with him had him confirming he wondered why I was being a bit of a dick asking to be run around to all these odd places that morning. He said he had just put it down to being out and about...

What a day it had been! The 110 was looking the mutts nutts now and really inspired me to plough on and get it finished. I can see once again what I am working towards and this was sorely needed.
But most important of all a genuinely great friend had the surprise of his life with family and friends from all over the country coming to see him...something he has never had before and if anyone I know deserved a surprise like that, well it is him!

Happy 50th Birthday Gromit
Very Fresh air.
The 110Posted by Nicky Smith Mon, March 13, 2017 16:09:40
Now there have been a number of reasons why I have not been posting lately but I am back in the saddle a touch more now.

The 110 has had the odd bit of titivating here and there but nothing worthy of note at the time. I drilled then riveted the wing chequer plate into place so now it does not try to rattle itself off when the engine is running.


I have abit of time off this week so I will be trying to get around to having another poke at the old boy when I get the chance.
Wifey had a few issues with her little Fiat 500 so my attention on Saturday was on that tiny little car. New drop links along with front discs and pads cured most of it's ails though.
Turns out, so I am reliable informed by said Wifey, that I now have to fill my car up with fuel at Tescos so the Clubcard points can be collected. The fact that I never pass a Tescos petrol station is apparently not an issue because my darling other half is taking my car once a week to fill the bugger up. I still have to pay for my fuel it seems but she gets to keep all of the points...

I learnt long ago to just roll with these sort of things so after watching my motor drive off into the sunrise this morning I stood at my bedroom window looking at this little Fiat knowing I had some mileage to do in it because myself and the youngest daughter were off up into the Peak District to get a bit of a walk in.

I shrugged my shoulders to myself figuring "At least I wont be using my own fuel today"

Well I am man enough to stand here and admit I loved driving this plucky little motor! What a machine! It was like driving a geared up go kart that refused to let go of any grip on any corner regardless of the speed you were doing!
It never let up. You had to work the gears to get the small 1200cc engine going but my word I was grinning ear to ear by the time we arrived at Mam Tor.


I can see why Wifey likes it so much now, I can best describe as like driving an original proper mini. The fun was done though and it was tome to walk the great ridgeway with my daughter who was doing this for the first time.

It was a little breezy at the base but not too bad but once we reached the first summit of Mam Tor it soon became apparent that the day was not going to be what we expected it to be...

We could barely keep standing upright. After a mere mile we through in the towel and headed back down to the car moving onto Chatsworth house for a cheeky picnic instead.

The 110 is not that far off of completion and I am tempted to throw a "Lets get it finished party" where I will supply good food and drink to those who want to come over and an odd job on it...
Anybody tempted?

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