Err the southern end near Morrisons. Yea a brew somewhere would be good Will be commuting daily from mine so anywhere on route ;)
Thanks Alibro :) it's great isnt it!
I have been painting up the towbar this morning to fit later today ;)
Well due to personal circumstances I am having to sell “The 110”.

This has not been a decision that has been taken lightly, in fact it's a decision that I have been dancing around over the last couple of weeks but sadly it has to be done.
I hate selling anything, especially motors, as it always seems to draw out the time wasters who want to come along and kick the tyres whilst simultaneously sucking air through their teeth and shaking their heads in a way that they think this will convince you to sell the motor for a tenner and feel that they are doing you a favour. So what you will get here is a warts and all expose on this old D reg 110.

I bought this a couple of years ago and it was a wreck. It seemed where ever you poked a hole would form so instead of being the quick patch and play I was hoping for it turned into rather an extensive rebuild. If you go to and click on the category “The 110” you will be able to see exactly what has been done to it. You will also see in lots of places me saying that I will never ever sell it. Turns out those words were a poisoned chalice because here we are with the old boy up for sale.

A quick list of things that have been replaced are as follows starting from the front:

200tdi engine fitted (Discovery 200tdi)

Starter motor


Lift pump

Water pump



Turbo & manifold (second hand)

Extensive work to the Bulkhead inc:

Floor pans

Hinge upright bits (forget the name)

Modified for the turbo to fit

Full brake rebuild on the front including new discs pads and calipers.

Exhaust manifold conversion pipes

New exhaust

Wheel bearings front and rear

Axle fluids changed front and rear

Full brake rebuild on the rear inc brake plate, pads, springs, calipers

New shocks and springs front and rear

¼ rear chassis

Soundproofed where it can be

Tinted rear windows

Carpet fitted to rear tub

All lights replaced front and rear

Discovery transfer box fitted

New clutch

Clutch slave cylinder

Seat Covers

Cubby box

Painted front to back

Power steering fitted

It sits on a set of used G90's

Heated front screen

And I am sure there's more I have forgotten!

I have done less than a hundred miles in it since it was MOT'd (I think the MOT is until June 18 I will have to check) so it's still being run in after the extensive work done on it over the last couple of years. The light bar is fitted but not wired up yet.

The furthest I have travelled in it is around 40 miles at once. The temp gauge reads a little high but I think that may more due to the sender as it just sits there not moving once its got up to temp. On starting it smokes a little but this disappears once it has got warmed up! Best to be honest :)
I was going to under seal it from front to back but now I am going to sell it I wont bother so anyone who is interested in buying it can see it for what it is underneath. Nothing to worry about there just surface rust.

It's old, it's noisy and the cab rattles inside when you are on tickover. It will break down on you because it's a Land Rover and they all do. It is an ex-military model but is 12v with a civvy spec inside. Still manages to leak oil. At least when it's leaking a bit of oil you know there's still oil in it!

It is sold with no warranty implied or given. If it breaks down on the way home it does. It is what it is, an old Land Rover that has had the base work on a rebuild done. This doesn't mean it's a new car it just means it will last a little while longer than it was going to!...hopefully. It is a sound base for an overlander conversion which was my initial plan.

If you have any questions please get in touch via message or on 07398103184.

I have the full V5 in my name and a full receipt will also be given at the time of purchase.

£4995 ono
The trouble is the F/witts on the selling sites !:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Don't want to pay wot it's worth !:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Just had 1 of my bikes on the bay ! they ask all the questions you give all the answers ! O yes mate def interested then you hear F/all from them ! PROPER BOILS MY P1SS ! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Hey guys I know it has been a while since I was last around. Life seems to be throwing as much at me as it can and The 110 has developed an interesting issue I hope you can help me with.

I put a discovery 200 tdi engine into the 110 and until a couple of weeks ago all was well. I have probably only covered a 100 miles or so since the rebuild finished but they were problem free engine wise.
Now though the engine runs fine when cold but as soon as it gets up to normal running temperature there seems to be a fuelling issue as in there is not enough going through and the engine coughs, splutters and barely moves in first gear.
So far I have checked all of the pipes which are fine as well as the connections on them. The lift pump was new and seems to be doing the job. Fuel is getting to all of the injectors. No signs of the head gasket going. Intercooler is not blocked. I have bought but not yet fitted a fuel stop solenoid but the old one does cut the engine out if you remove the wire.

Have any of you top fixers out there got any ideas at all? I am just plain stumped!
You might have already done the obvious and changed the fuel filter and not mentioned it in your already done list.
At up mate:)

Have you checked for any signs of leaks or bubbling on the fuel pipes when the sysmptoms present themselves with the engine running?
Mine used to start smelling of diesel when it got hot and it turned out to be the spill pipes.

Could you replace any of the fuel pipes with clear tube to see if it's getting air in?

Is the air intake side of things all clear i.e. no collapsed air hoses?

If you still have the old lift pump it could be worth putting it back in to see if it makes any difference as replacements can be hit or miss....

Change the fuel filter and drain the sedimenter if you have one. (I binned my sedimenter as it was always wet with diesel btw.)

The last thing I can think of is the fuel pick up pipe in the tank. I've had them with a gauze over the end which has become loose and acted as a flap to close the pipe off when drawing fuel up. Also had one perforated and engine would only run properly when fuel level was above the perforation in the pipe!
You could also check that the pick up isn't pushed against the bottom of the fuel tank!

I'm afraid that is about all I can think of! After checking all that I would be here asking for help too!

Hope ya get sorted though. If it wasn't school hols I would bumble over and give you a hand but as it is I am either working or child minding!

Good luck

How's the hair coming on by the way??


Solenoid replaced and it made bugger all difference!
Checked all hoses and lines in. One was at a bit of a tight angle so I have moved that "just in case". Turbo waste gate moving freely and I cannot find a sedimenter on it anywhere, suppose someone else has already removed that.
It is once again ticking over ok but I need to take it for a drive to get it up to temperature once again and see if the problem presents itself again.
It is going up for auction shortly but if I cant find the fuelling issue it will be sold as is. Bloody shame to be selling it but I need the money so the toys are the first things to go :(

As for the hair just follow the link!.....
Yes Rich I had a few hours on it on Monday along with a mechanic friend. It ran fine on the drive for an hour after a coughy start but then the indicators gave up the ghost! I have thrown in the towel. It's been a tough year that have defined what's really important and where my focus needs to be.
So with that in mind I have put it up for sale on Ebay:
It's heartbreaking in one way but I cannot keep throwing all of my time and money at a motor. There are far more important things to be doing in life at the moment!
Mate, I'm sorry to hear this but of course, you need to do what's best for you and yours!
Just read your advert and it's probably the most honest one I've seen! I just wish I could be the lucky owner an pick up where you left off. I always said I should have bought a 110 instead of a 90!
Van conversion to camper is another thing I've fancied for a while (the gaffer doesn't get it though!!!)
Anyway, did your work over Burton way pan out? If so, and you want to meet up for a pint or maccies or whatever, let me know!!
All the best,
Yes Rich I had a few hours on it on Monday along with a mechanic friend. It ran fine on the drive for an hour after a coughy start but then the indicators gave up the ghost! I have thrown in the towel. It's been a tough year that have defined what's really important and where my focus needs to be.
So with that in mind I have put it up for sale on Ebay:
It's heartbreaking in one way but I cannot keep throwing all of my time and money at a motor. There are far more important things to be doing in life at the moment!
I, it's a sad read. Especially after all the time and effort you've put in. Doing that amount of work, quite rightly, you have high expectations of the result. I know I did. It's what keeps you going. If you can't see your expectations being realised then it's probably time to move on :(
Sorry to hear you had to give up on this, it's a fine looking Landy. I recently sold my project toy (a lifted Freelander) because of a change of work circumstances, so I almost know how you feel but I didn't put in the money or quite as much graft you did.
Good luck with the van build, I fancy doing the same but SWMBO has no interest in doing anything that doesn't involve horses so no point.
Be sure to put a link here for the van build when it happens. ;)
Pants isnt it :( Hey ho needs must!

Yes Rich I have been at Burton for a few weeks now and will be there mostly until the New Year so a coffee sounds like a plan at some point!

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