Thanks Jam :)
Yep hot baths a big no no and I am glad I got the driveway sorted before the slide as well!
It'll all heal in time I just need to learn to be a bit more patient!
How are you bearing up?
Hope you are starting to notice some improvement.
Wheels look better than I would have imagined in silver! I like them alot.
As far as tyres go, I would run the G90,s until they are worn out then get a set of A/Ts. This is my plan tith the exmod michelins on my 90.


Hey Rich I am on the road to being mended slowly but surely thanks for asking :)
More than a bit bruised and sore but moving around a bit more which is nice! Having to force myself to take it easy now I am up and about lol
As for the G90's yea I will probably just do that whilst looking for a nice set of AT's ;)
I must be getting older...
The 110Posted by Nicky Smith Wed, June 01, 2016 07:55:12
Well it is nine days since the accident and I thought that most of my hurting would have been over by now but it appears that I was wrong. I am not as young as I used to be and I have also hurt myself more than I realised so the road to recovery will be a bit longer that I expected much to the frustration of my mind that is still convinced that I am in my twenties.

I have to admit to being really apprehensive about getting back onto a bike now and it will be a few weeks before that will even be an option but happily the third parties insurance company has admitted full liability for it all so that is indeed a worry off of my mind. We shall now see what they decide with on the bike, whether it is worth fixing or a right off from the damage. If it goes down the repair route though it will have to come back in perfect condition because it took me a very long time to find it in the first place after rejecting those that were not up to my picky standard!

The 110 has become more of a priority now on the rebuild front as I will need wheels asap so lots of parts are being ordered across the board to get it back onto the road.
As soon as I am back on my feet properly I will be able to crawl around and under it once again rebuilding the brake system from end to end then the fuel system to boot. All of the bushes will be next up for renewal and the doors are nearly finished now so will be the next big change to be done!

So all is not bad, I may still hurt a fair bit but there is a roof over my head food in my belly and I have read every Land rover magazine I own from cover to cover! With the newer ones done I have a big pile of the first ever Land Rover Owners International issues 1 through about 20 that were given to me last week to have a browse through...should keep me occupied for a while!
Well, sometimes soft tissue injuries keep hurting longer than broken bones. Particularly the tougher 'soft' tissues like ligaments and cartilage. Hope you're feeling some improvement soon. It's so frustrating not being able to get up and do things.
Sounds like you are going to be on a mission once you are fighting fit!
Hopefully that wont be too far off!
I love reading old Landrover magazines!! Although it's shocking when you compare the parts prices in them to what they are now!:eek:

Keep taking it easy!!

Oh Taking it easy has been on the cards and driving me nuts!!!
I know what you mean about the prices...amazing how hindsight is 20/20...
It's expensive sitting around...
The 110 Posted by Nicky Smith Sat, June 04, 2016 09:16:29
The problem with sitting around relaxing and trying to heal is that you get to thinking about stuff. Nothing that important but when your 110 project is literally looking at you through the front window you get to imagining what it will finally be like to have it all done and finished, what it will be like when you are driving around the fantastic countryside our little island has to offer looking at hills and dales lakes and riversides.

You may have gathered that the route to take will be the "Overlander" style with this project and with that in mind I decided that the TDI conversion may as well be done while the rebuild is underway but the 300tdi route was gong to involve moving engine mounts around etc so would it not be better to just drop in a 200tdi and be done with it.
A quick look around and I discovered the money that the 200's were commanding was ludicrous so I begrudgingly put the idea onto the back boiler. Well until an advert popped up from a friend who was selling one complete so a call was made, a deal was done and I will became the proud owner of a replacement engine!

The 110 will be 200tdi powered as he tours the countryside when I finally get him put back together with shiny new parts. On that note I have also been buying up all sorts of brake bits ready for the overhaul until I looked up the price of back plates for a rear Salisbury axle...£100 each!!!!!! Well bugger that! I will look to see if I can repair them and if not I will have to pop a Discovery axle on instead and convert it over to discs at the same time because that is just a ludicrous amount of cash for brake plates!

I have caved in on my mistake of buying the wrong door latches as well. I stood looking at them yesterday morning and thought "It just won't look right" so I checked to see if I had any savings left at all then wiped myself out by buying the correct anti burst locks and strikers. It will be worth it in the end when it all comes back together and I know I will be happier after I have fitted the doors.

Wifey though has been brilliant along my road to recovery caring for me by constantly checking like a mother hen even down to a little cheer me up present yesterday after, I might add, sending me photos of her and our daughters having a rather nice lunch out.


I mean who would not want a Star Wars Toothbrush???

Superb though and it still makes me smile when I look at it because lets face it all men are just big kids at heart and all women know this.

One other thing I have managed to do whilst being off is convert my neighbour, who has been around doing all sorts of DIY that I was supposed to do this week, to buying a Land Rover.
He wanted a second car to use for fishing trips at the weekends and in bad weather. He asked if I was up to going and having a look at one he found online just to check it over and see if it as worth the money that it was being sold for.
I of course agreed to do this in a limpy hobbling fashion and off we drove to inspect this "N" reg Disco. I was prepared to find a rot box but instead we found a Land Rover nut who owned 4 other Landy's from an original Series 1 to a new Freelander!

The Discovery had been very very well maintained over the last seven years, had low mileage service history in fact all it really needed was a nicer set of tyres which my friend was going to put on anyway due to the different off road areas that he goes fishing! It was one of those rare finds that should prove to be a great car for a few years to come as all rust has been dealt with as it came up.
I was quite envious!
And then I informed him quietly that if he didn't buy it I would!
"Should I put an offer in?" my friend asked.
"Leave it to me" I replied and put in a cheeky offer a couple of hundred under the advertised price to which the seller agreed after some thinking on his part.

SO my friend has come under the Land Rover obsession spell and has already been buying extra lights to aid him when packing all of his gear away on the riverside. To say he is happy is an understatement the man has not stopped smiling since he bought it!


A nice new set of All Terrain tyres will be fitted over the weekend and I swear he would sleep in it if his Wife would let him at the moment!
So don't get knocked off of your motorbike because for a start it hurts like hell and as you get older it takes longer to heal and secondly don't rest up looking at your Land Rover project because you do not have to move at all to spend all of your savings on it!
I hope Wifey doesn't read this post or I will be in trouble for spending up!
Don't forget ebay is for selling stuff too. Now that your not able to work you have the perfect opportunity to photograph and list all your unneeded tat and get some cash back in. Brownie points are a a bonus ;)
I hate to be the one to say it but somebody will do it might as well be me. Putting a disco axle under a 110 can be seen as a bit naughty, because they're not man enough to take the (potential) weight limit of a 110. There must be somebody on here that has a spare set of back plates kicking around from a rear disc conversion on a Salisbury axle. Plenty have done it. You could convert your axle but it costs quite a bit, was gonna do mine until I added it up.
Hope you're getting better by the way, and love the house. It's rewarding having your own space, and best of all, better for the pocket. That disco of your neighbours is an interesting colour too, not sure about the chrome side rail things but quite like the rest of it.
I don't post very often, but get a lot of help and info off here.

Wanted to say how I always like to see an update on your 110 thread Nick - the side-tracks away from the refurb are always interesting/amusing, and a great positive take on life - keep up the good work!!

Glad the bruises are getting there - as a fellow biker I feel (fortunately metaphorically...!) your pain, but I guess you'll find the same as with the car, you'll feel back at home on 2 wheels within half a mile. Hope the insurers pay out what you need to get like for like, and all that cut up clothing! Cheers, A
Well afternoon folks! :) Yep Ebay and Gumtree have been hit hard over the last 24 hours listing bits to sell off as I am going to be needing an engine hoist for the upcoming engine swap and other bits as time goes by! Didn't know that about the Disco axles so yet again something new learnt today so a different sourcing route will have to be taken then!
As for the bike well hopefully all will be well in the end as I prefer to ride the daily commute if I Am honest and I am glad you enjoy my rambling drivel chap ;)
Ooh Shiny!
Musings Posted by Nicky Smith Sat, June 04, 2016 22:06:32
Tomorrow is the Autokana day at Wollaton hall and is a fantastic day out looking at all sorts of old motors in a very green as well as relaxing country manor house setting.
Nottingham Land Rover Club are lucky enough to be a part of this displaying all manner of different types of Landy's including my old wreck of a Discovery for some reason that escapes me now. If you are going to be there feel free to pop by and say hello.

Seeing as I will be sat on my backside for most of the day with a bit of a relaxing meander around I am quite looking forward to it but this morning when I looked outside the bedroom window I realised what a poor state the poor old motor was in dirt wise.
So the first job of the day was to dig out the power wash so I could give it an easy on me clean from top to bottom.


Then my friend sent me some photos of his Series Land Rover full of slabs that are destined to be put into the old Discovery on it's rather Swiss cheese boot floor!
Now this had me feeling rather worried because it really is an old wreck and I am only just getting my nerves back together driving but not to be defeated I stood on my driveway deciding on how to make the whole job a little easier. I don't need to unload the slabs any time soon so they can sit in the motor until I am ready but the weight of it all in one place was still concerning until that was I saw my little trailer sat in the corner of the driveway behind the 110.

A quick wheel change on that along with a number plate fixed on saw it ready to go and carry me a few slabs spreading the weight out from the Discovery boot saving some more holes either appearing or growing larger as I drive home!


I have to say though that the old motor doesn't look too bad when it has had a good clean up and left to sit in the sunshine...
Glad to see you are up and about!
Mate of mine came a massive cropper on his bike last night. He aint going to be up and about for quite a while by all accounts.
Seems you have been spending your time (and money!!) wisely, and the neighbours new whip looks tidy ( a touch blingy for my taste but that is subjective).
I have been putting off my engine swap for months due to
1) no hoist
2) no money
3)the need to take my daily drive off the road whilst I do the job

I am going 300tdi and have made an engine mount adapter as specified on LR4x4 forum.
Going to paddocks tomorrow to get all the bits for the engine that are easier whilst its out. Hopefully get it fitted over the next few weeks.

Congrats on finding a good deal on a 200tdi......they seem to be getting scarce these days!
I remember the days of worrying about how much stuff I would lose out of the disco rear floor. Cant remember the last time I saw a solid one (the donor disco my 300tdi came from was rotten half way up the inner body in the boot area!)

Anyway, as always, I look forward to the next installment!


A mate is dropping off the engine with hoist tonight but I am saving hard to buy a hoist myself!
I know what you mean about teh daily runner issue it can be a pain. Luckily for me this time it is not an issue so I have the chance to do it right!
Pain & Progress...
The 110 Posted by Nicky Smith Tue, June 07, 2016 21:31:55
I don't know where to start really as it's been a strange few days to say the least. I have been pottering on doing the odd bit on the doors here and there when I have been up to the task but it all came together today rather quicker than I was expecting as these thing seem to have a tendency to do.

First up off of the bat was a trip to see among other things the Physio therapist for my first round of torture from my neck all down the right side to my ankle.
I have no idea how such a petite young girl could inflict soo much pain in such a short amount of time but she managed it! I know it hurts more before it gets better but my word do I hurt this evening! Still nothing broken and I am lucky to have the option of such things and only seven more sessions to go! I'm off to weep quietly in a corner somewhere now...
I did end up thinking "Suck it up Smith" to myself a couple of times although I may well have been close to tears at those points and suck it up I did.

Back to the doors though and I sat looking at them last week and caved in buying the proper anti burst locks along with striker plates then as it was a job that could be done sitting down set to removing the wrong brand new locks that were fitted popping the right ones in as I went along.
The next day saw me fitting the new runners to the drivers side door top but one pane does seem to like to fall out with ease so I need to make a few modifications there before I take it on the road. New mirrors ad door hinges were soon fitted as well and the doors do look well now though even if I do say so myself!


So that was all done a bit of a time over a few days saving me on pain from pushing myself too hard that in itself was quite a feat.

I was awake at the crack of dawn again this morning so had a couple of hours to kill before I set off for my barrage of appointments and the first thing that caught my eye was of course the 110. "Sod it" I thought to myself "I could get one of those doors fitted in a couple of hours" and even if I had not managed it the sun was out so no worry of rain.
I soon had the old Defender door off and the new one lined up to pop into place.

Withe the striker soon fitted into place I managed to get three out of the four hinge bolts lined up before I limped off aching from the exertion of it all to was up for my fun day out.


The replacement door looks really well and to say I am pleased is an understatement!

When I got home a friend soon showed up to deliver yet another new part for the 110's upgrades...the 200TDI engine! It was like Christmas morning I tell you and he brought along his engine crane to get it out of his Discovery and put into place at the back of my garage until I am ready to fit it! He also had an intercooler frame and old radiator for it all so happy days! The rad will want replacing just to be on the safe side but hey everything is a bonus. Thank you for all of your help today chap you know who you are ;)


As the evening cooled off I decided to tackle the passenger door on the 110 as well because I cannot just sit around feeling sorry for myself when I am hurting and again it all went rather well!
I didn't push too hard so the final adjustments still need to be made to get as good a fit
as the drivers side but no rush.


So not a bad few days pottering on the 110 with bits all lining up nicely to be sorted on it. I am not going to worry too much about getting all painted etc before the MOT as that can be done as I go along. The focus will be on the actual mechanical components to get sorted properly so the old boy is once again back on the road...
Wow! A busy few days then!
Cant wait to get my tdi fitted. May have dropped onto a cheap runabout to use while my truck is off the road for the transplant, which makes the job slightly more relaxing.....therefore enjoyable!
Your recouperation is clearly going very well! Keep it up. You put the rest of us to shame!
Oh I wouldn't go that far Rich! I tend to push too hard on myself and all that lot was done 20 minutes at a time over a far few days!
I am looking forward to getting the lump into the place though :)
Good news on the little run around it will take the pressure off of you so I expect to see the picture of the tdi fitted soon enough!

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