If the hands are removed from the steering wheel the steering should self centre at any speed in forward or reverse. Your grounds for fitment are a little weak.

Well, mine doesn't.
l have had the swivels done and everything checked. As the dealer could offer no solution l decided to fit the RTC steering damper.
Since l fitted it the Defender has been much better to drive.
l've done about 15,000 miles since fitting it.
leta not forget the RTC is meant for 35"+ tyres to take the strain off the PAS pump as well as making it easier to drive with such large tyres!

I never felt the need for one in 40,000 miles of driving our 90 TD5 or six months of 300tdi ownership.

But my 110 was never as good. I did try to get it sorted but was unsuccessful. "Nothing wrong with it" l was told.

The missus now has another 90 TD5 CSW. The steering does have some self centering action but it's not as good as my 110 with the RTC steering damper fitted.

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