"One day we'll all have a level of income based on our usefulness." so politicians will get nothing:rolleyes:
I don't rent anything, I did have a mortgage a long time ago and a loan for a car but that's it. My smart phone cost £35 including postage direct from the factory in China. It was a last years model, no 4G but as we didn't even have 3G until 2 years ago it was not important. We do now have 4G but only get a signal with an aerial on the roof and a signal amplifier.
You really are in the Stix Keith :eek::p
It can indeed become that way.
One day we'll all have a level of income based on our usefulness.
We will buy nothing and be given credits. Your level of life will be reflected on your level of importance.
Why not could it be like this, we rent cars, houses, phones and so on.....
Usefulness defined by whom? A useful person could be a sheep who spends more on credit than they can comfortably afford, £10 a day at costa etc.. making the rich, richer :rolleyes:

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