The standard gauge is not linear,there is only a few degrees difference from being in the white and going in the red. Best fix is to fit a matched gauge and sender that reads in numbered degrees and KNOW what the temp is at all times.
Standard wax stat should be 88 degrees. Anything less is causing unnecessary wear in the engine.

Best bet is to dump the standard guess the temp gauge, and replace it with one that gives the actual temp.

I have an 89 degree stat in mine and if I flog the life out of it, I can get it up to that temp and no more. Most of the time it sits at 80 degrees.

Moving slowly offroad with little airflox, I've seen it top out in the early 90's before the fan kicks in and reduces the temp.
if it was 70 and your gauge is in the red, then deffo wrong stat.

you got your old engine? was it another 200tdi defender they used?

and why 'they had to fit a new coolant temperature switch.' ?
I haven't got the old engine, they had to fit s new temperature switch' or sender as when they road tested the gauge didn't show anything.
I haven't got the old engine, they had to fit s new temperature switch' or sender as when they road tested the gauge didn't show anything.

tired, by stat i meant sender.

ah well, time to play buy the right sender :)

was it a recon 200tdi defender engine or is it something from a disco?
tired, by stat i meant sender.

ah well, time to play buy the right sender :)

was it a recon 200tdi defender engine or is it something from a disco?
Don't know where the bare engine came from, Defender or Disco, but both are the same I'm told...
Don't know where the bare engine came from, Defender or Disco, but both are the same I'm told...

few differences, but you can swap the defender bits over.

go and get the engine number, stamped on the flat on the right side of engine block
few differences, but you can swap the defender bits over.

go and get the engine number, stamped on the flat on the right side of engine block
I will at some point out of curiosity, but we need to know, why...? [emoji52]
I will at some point out of curiosity, but we need to know, why...? [emoji52]

curiosity and the defender and disco engine can have different temp sensor threads.

different 200tdi engines (fender/disco/rangie) use different senders and can have different threads. fine or coarse

so ideally you want the engine number to check, also while you are at it, go and see if the temp sender in it has a coloured ring.
if you fit a disco sender in a disco block (thats what the thread takes) and your engine was originally a pre 200tdi model and the gauge is from that engine then your disco sender will read high
I have taken the advice of my local part supplier who had a look when I was there, fingers crossed it is correct when it arrives Monday...
I have taken the advice of my local part supplier who had a look when I was there, fingers crossed it is correct when it arrives Monday...

did they say what the replacement engine was? how am i meant to sleep tonight! :p
Where is that number, I should have time to look for it over the weekend, how do I know if it was from a Defender or Discovery ?
Engine number, I will attempt to decipher, but please do tell me what it is if you know...


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