
New Member
Can some one help again i have heared that you can run this car on coking oil and 50% oil and 50% d in the winter is this true whats the damage it will do if any?
I think we should just make a huge flashing banner on the home page, saying "If it burns and will offer lubrication to the pumps IT WILL RUN a diesel"

Exercise common senc(s)e, nuff said.
i have read a lot on this subject and iam still unsure would rather pay 96p per litre than 59p for cooking oil
Cheers yella, its been a long day and the diesel fumes from my overalls are getting to me! :) But I tell ya, am gonna have a heap for France!
its a bit steep in bookers, the aldi is the cheapest around here but the containers aint very big ;)
about 30ppl i think i dunno i just whack it in her shopping trolley then go look at the tools an ****e ;)
Cool, Diesel has droped loads round these parts. At the begenining of August I was paying 99.9, today I filled up at 92.9 Much better price, makes me happy anyway! :)
well i filled up with bio at 89ppl this morning, done just under 400 miles on 3/4 of a tank no problems ;)

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