my mate at work runs like this,only trouble is that when inside the car i feel like im in the chip shop with the smell. lol.
i think it is and a mate with a freelander(ahem) reckons his is more economical
that macro one is polus vat though eh, works out to about 5o ppl, aldi is cheaper ;)
You may want to check up on the legal aspect of not paying VAT on cooking oil, you may already know this but........

The Guardian
Monday January 20, 2003
G2 section, pp.2-3
Original here

When staff at a Welsh supermarket first noticed dramatic increases in the sale of cooking oil, they thought the locals were doing a lot of frying. They weren't. They were filling up their cars with it - not surprising, as it's only 42p a litre. Trouble is, if you don't pay duty, it's illegal. Jim White reports
According to Mike Hebson, the manager of Asda's store in Swansea, south Wales, there was no reason to be suspicious that sales of the company's cheapest bottles of cooking oil were running 20% higher than the previous year, way above any other store in Britain. "We just thought it was one of those things," says Hebson...........................

go to to see the rest of the article

Rgds Richard
just use your common sense. in the hot summer months 50/50 mix is fine. in winter use a lot less.
or get/make a 2 tank system with some heat exchangers.

all depends on how much you value your IP?

also make sure you change your lube oil more often than the spec says.
hiy a yella, me old mate.

ive been ill and had some domestic issues too. all is well now though.
wellish, any roads.
hope you and the family are all ok?

hows your wooly back friends? you still humping that ugly one?

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