Good luck. When I pressed but it now it didn't ask left/right door. Hope I'm right for your sake ;-)
I've just sent an email via Ebay asking if price is per pair and pointing out the VAT mistake will let you know what answer I get. I would really like the price to be per pair even though I kinda have my heart set on the series ii doors.
Its all about what I can realistically afford people I mean lynall thinks I'm mad for paying 200 quid a door, and I'm still waiting for him to explain that response. So paying £840 he must be thinking I lost my mind all together :eek:
only thing I'm not sure about regards to the Series ii style doors is the door card, do they have them didint cross my mind till now?
I 100% read the ad as being for a pair. There is very little doubt, if any, in my own mind.

However, id stll pay the £250 extra and get galvanised...
Just had an answer from Craddocks

£420 plus vat is the normal price for one we are selling 2 for £597.50 including vat

I've asked them how much for courier but no answer yet

so there you have it we get two doors for £597.50 including VAT, still prefer the series style doors though
As I said...... though id go for series ones two. Much cooler.
Totally agree with you, and despite all the overtime I put in the tax man has taken a huge chunk of it so all I can afford is the series style doors and the exmoor canvas trims, so for once the tax man has maybe done me a favour......did i really just say that !
New doors and the exmoor trim have a arrived looking really good, even though they aint painted yet. So off to the hardware store to buy some smooth silver hammerite paint and some gloss rollers, cant wait to get them fitted, will post some before n after pics.
New doors and the exmoor trim have a arrived looking really good, even though they aint painted yet. So off to the hardware store to buy some smooth silver hammerite paint and some gloss rollers, cant wait to get them fitted, will post some before n after pics.
Do a before and after picture cos I'm tempted to swap mine for a soft top in the long term and removable door tops are they way to go if it's a soft top:D
Thought I'd post a wee update as it's been awhile since I promised before n after pics of the new series doors. It's taken me so long because painting with a roller and hammerite aint that easy do'able just took longer than I thought and then there was the actual problem of fitting the doors. So far I've only done the passenger door as that leaked badly, I've cured the leak but having problems fitting the door properly. Either the door shuts and locks but its sticking out a bit and wont open without force or it shuts looks inline with rest of body work but wont lock.
No instructions were supplied with the kit, not even a parts (kit) list. Had to contact the suppliers because the plates to fit the handle to the doors was missing they were very quick to post them out to me. Have asked them if they had any instructions or parts list and they just replayed that they assumed that people buying this product had some mechanical knowledge or access to a garage that can fit them on your behalf. Some hints and tips on how to line up the door handle with the striker would have been nice, has anybody here had any experience with fitting these doors, help very much appreciated.

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