keith simmonds

New Member
My TD5 is in the garage right now. They say it needs a new cylinder head because the gasket has gone and there has been movement and scouring of the head probably because of the plastic locating dowells Landrover used. The new dowells will be metal, but the head on a TD5 can't be skimmed.

Is this true?
I have heard this too, apparently the TD5 head has virtually no tollorance to take a skimming, seems odd that the engine designed from scratch, in house by landrover, with a head thats close to failure and no adjustment able.
Just checked the manual, it states -

'Check cylinder head for warpage across
centre and from corner to corner. Max cylinder
head warpage = 0.1mm (0.004 in).
CAUTION: Cylinder heads must not be
refaced. Replace the head assembly if
warping exceeds the limit.'
i thought this when i saw the title on the thread before even reading it for some reason so i'd say i have heard about it before. why not give another garage a ring and explain that the head's gone and whats involved and see if they pick up on it?
Land Rover used to say that it was not possible to skim TDI heads too,ask any decent machine shop and they will do it and it will be fine.The only thing they have to worry about is the dimension from valve head to head face - this can be maintained by cutting back the valve seats as necessary.
You dont need a new head.
If it was warped only 4 thou I think I would be trying to lap it flat on a big glass plate.

But a very careful touch with a really good surface grinder should manage it.

Remember who LandRover wrote the manuals for - remedially stupid apes in Main Stealers, who are allowed to use no discretion or imagination, and whose only objective is to separate you from as much of your money as they can.

Cost-cutting exercises are definitely not high in the Main Stealer's list of priorities, unless they can do it without you noticing, like they skim your head, but bill you for a new one.

Mine was skimmed once without issues, the mechanic fitted the thicker head gasket and it was fine for about 3 years untill it developped a crack in the first inlet port and started to loose coolant through the combustion chamber but IMO it had nothing to do with the skimming just my bad luck

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