I must admit i find trundling along very relaxing. It's quite intereszting to watch how bad most drivers are....
I must admit i find trundling along very relaxing. It's quite interesting to watch how bad most drivers are....

And then at the next junction or lights, you catch them up!

I drive a 15 miles stretch of M8 / A8 three times a week in rush-hour, and have done for some years.

When the traffic is busy, it is INVARIABLY the case that the INSIDE lane makes more progress to my exit than the outside lane with all the frantic nutters in it fighting for position. The drivers in the inside lane just move along nicely listening to Radio Two or Classic FM or Smooth Radio, and get home just as soon, all relaxed and happy. Most of them also have a lot less points on their licences.

All those lane-hoppers and queue-jumpers are idiots, and I always help them to pass me. It is MUCH safer for me to have all the idiot experts in front of me where I am able to keep an eye on them, than behind me and far too close to my Disco tow-ball. The last one that ran into my towball was in a stop-start traffic jam and he was texting ... WHUMP! I pretended I hadn't noticed, and when the traffic moved again I drove away, ripping off most of the plastic front of his car in the process. That all seemed to drop onto the road quite neatly, and there didn't seem much point in discussing the matter with him, he more than likely being such an expert. His problem, not mine. My tow-bracket seems to be pretty strong.

The trick is get in inside lane before a junction cos folk are getting off and traffic moves better...then get into outside lane before the incoming traffic from the sliproad cos they're slow letting folk in etc.

I think this has saved me about 10 minutes this year, or translated...1 slow or 2 quick ****s.
All those lane-hoppers and queue-jumpers are idiots, and I always help them to pass me. It is MUCH safer for me to have all the idiot experts in front of me where I am able to keep an eye on them, than behind me and far too close to my Disco tow-ball. The last one that ran into my towball was in a stop-start traffic jam and he was texting ... WHUMP! I pretended I hadn't noticed, and when the traffic moved again I drove away, ripping off most of the plastic front of his car in the process. That all seemed to drop onto the road quite neatly, and there didn't seem much point in discussing the matter with him, he more than likely being such an expert. His problem, not mine. My tow-bracket seems to be pretty strong.


CharlesY I like yer style :cool::cool::D
My 03 auto is terrible.

As careful as poss and lucky to get low 20's. Drive it and get sub 20's.

Cant afford to tow with td5 so use my 300tdi for that at 35mpg
My 03 auto is terrible.

As careful as poss and lucky to get low 20's. Drive it and get sub 20's.

I can do that in a 4.6 V8!! I managed 22mpg on the motorway doing a "CharlesY" on the way to Kent and averaged 18mpg last week over a 1000 miles of mixed motoring.
My 03 auto is terrible.

As careful as poss and lucky to get low 20's. Drive it and get sub 20's.

Cant afford to tow with td5 so use my 300tdi for that at 35mpg

All I can say is there must be something wrong with it.

Hi, I have a 2004 TD5 with 72 K on the clock. I checked it a couple of weeks ago and doing 10 miles each way to/ from work, I get 30.5 mpg. I think the trick is not to travel more than 60 mph. Of course, commuting to and from work, we don't need to do more than 60. Travelling to the south of France for holiday, we're doing at least 70 mph and then we're down to 25 ish mpg, but that's not bad considering the load in the boot and the boat towing along behind. I'm mega pleased with my disco, wouldn't swap it for two Freelanders!
Mine is a 2000 Td5, 7 years ago I started out where Vex918 is, now its more like squizzel, low/mid twenties; I think the difference could lie in air flow? I will get to the bottom of it one day. The real answer is that it depends on the actual vehicle and its standard of maintenance and or tuning, if fuel economy is really important then a Disco isn't really on the list surely??
I guess it depends on what you're going to use it for. I carry dive kit and tow a boat. It's great for that.... loves heavy loads. Self levelling suspension on the back end.... great for carrying heavy stuff...

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