What information did they give you about your injectors?
not used them for TD5, but they do td5 injectors i asked about them at the time.
VW caddy they gave me a page print out, from what i can remember it had a section for each injector
PDA (some phase dopler thing, they shine a laser through the spraying head and measure the droplets size, volume and velocity)
basically a page of numbers which i did not understand, but helpful chap pointed out which ones were duff and why, It made sense at the time, I could see the deviation in the numbers relating to the two duff injectors it was a few years ago.
Anyway replaced the defective ones and job done.
Diagnositcs on my TD5 showed imbalances on my injectors so got new to replace ( see my project page etc)
Word of warning testing
and then reconditioning your td5 injectors will work out more expensive per injector than replacing them for new (TD5 injectors are a bit spesh)
Maybe consider a naocom diagnostic check for injector imbalance first?