I had a persistent water leak on my D2 TD5. Tried adding UV dye, no traces. It was pretty random, sometimes used 1 litre in a matter of days. I knew the head and gasket were ok. Finally, I changed the water pump. Leak stopped. I never did find anything obvious. The pump wasn't worn, even after 225K miles. But the leak stopped.
I had a persistent water leak on my D2 TD5. Tried adding UV dye, no traces. It was pretty random, sometimes used 1 litre in a matter of days. I knew the head and gasket were ok. Finally, I changed the water pump. Leak stopped. I never did find anything obvious. The pump wasn't worn, even after 225K miles. But the leak stopped.
Under the water pump is a tiny hole that lets coolant leak out when the pump is going bad. It is really hard to see the leak and it took me ages to find it.
Glad you sorted it.
A retorque of the head bolts, is what I think you are talking about. No need to remove, you just apply the original torque setting to the bolts, to see if they have loosened, due to many factors. Just the same as a tyre fitter says you retorque the wheel nuts after 100 miles.
I had a persistent water leak on my D2 TD5. Tried adding UV dye, no traces. It was pretty random, sometimes used 1 litre in a matter of days. I knew the head and gasket were ok. Finally, I changed the water pump. Leak stopped. I never did find anything obvious. The pump wasn't worn, even after 225K miles. But the leak stopped.
When I took my pump off it was so worn I wondered how it had kept on working and this was after about 155k miles. Always with the correct coolant in it.

This isn't the first time I have found this amount of play on a water pump on removing it. One I did on a Triumph Heral engine had a massive amount of play and was very noisy, but didn't leak a drop.

Funny, huh! 馃ぃ

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