
Active Member
Hi all, :confused:

I recently had a bit of a cold start problem with my 2002, TD5, 90 CSW. It had a new lift pump about 8k ago and i was worried that it might have gone tits up again, so did the usual research on this forum.

After my search i felt it was most likely the copper washers at the injectors as the cold start problem also coincided with an unusual noise from the pump while i waited for the glow plugs to warm on start up.

I put it into the local indi garage and he checked the elec power to the plugs and said it was about half what it should be. He also fitted a nifty looking clear block to the fuel system to see if there is any air in it. (Not convinced that this would show a problem with the injector washers???). He stated that he has changes many injector washers and in my case it was not required!!!

His verdict was new plugs required. These have been fitted. It still doen't start as good as it did, takes 2 or 3 goes. When started it runs fine with no problems.

Would there be any other symptoms if the injector washers were leaking ???

Should i just change anyway for peace of mind or is it a bugger to do??

The glow plugs are more to help with emissions on a cold engine,in the UK climate its rarely cold enough to need them.If the pump note changes when you key on then there is air in it and thats why it wont start.Injector washers are one cause,the upper o rings are another,(usually with a rising oil level too)fuel filter heads aswell.
I'd find another garage.
Thanks for the reply, i knew i should have trusted what was on this forum. lesson learnt.

I will have a go at changing the washers and take it form there.
The noise from the pump seems to be at the fuel filter and sounds like the fuel is straining really hard to pass the filter. It appears to be getting worse.
I have also noticed that the fuel filter is really rusty and looks like it hasn't been changed for years. Even though my receipt from my last service in March has a fuel filter change on it. Imagine that a garage not changing the fuel filter. I wonder what else they didn't bother changing.

I hope to change tommorrow. Could this cause a difficult cold start? If so why is it all ok when warm?

it WAS the injector washers. Had them changed and now it starts first turn of the key and there is no noise from the pump. WINNER. If anyone else has these symptoms then insist on the washers being changed??
For future ref it is not too much of a pain to change them yourself on the TD5.
I did all of mine in an hour and 10 mins but that did include stopping for a brew half way through. At a push and having done them before I reckon it could be done in under 45 minutes.
Make sure you fit new O rings as well as the copper washers.
The hardest bit is getting the injectors out of their seats without the official landrover tool. I used a small 4 inch pry bar to lift the injector body. Be careful not to lever or pull on the solenoid part of the injector when doing this.
Hope this helps.
Nice truck shifty?

I am hoping that i wont them changing for the next 60k miles, but my buddy has a newer TD5 and he is worried that his may need changing, so i will probably do his with him rather than throw more money at the garage.
Cheers buddy.
Just take your time and keep everything super clean.
If you get crap in the fuel line or injectors it will get expensive.
The injectors are a tight push fit once you remove the clamps holding them in.
Replace them in the same order as they come out because the ECU is mapped to individual injectors. I did one at a time so that they could not get mixed up.
I should say that after having done this I am still getting fuel in my engine oil so concensus of opinion is my cylinder head is f*cked.
Hi Shifty

from many years experience with diesel and direct injection petrol engines (1955 MB300SL) the culprit for diesel/petrol finding its way into the oil pan is mostly due to:

1. Overfuelling (check for high EGT temperatures)

2. Injector spray pattern not correct (Use STP or similar injector cleaner)

3. High pressure leak back occurring in the injector (discard buy new one)

I do not think, that the cylinder head is faulty, you would get symptoms such as oil in cooling water, miss on one or more cylinders, oil leaking from cyl. head gaskets, pressurizing of the cooling water system, check this with engine cold, if there is excessive pressure when opening the cooling water expansion container, suspect a faulty head gasket

Hi Shifty

from many years experience with diesel and direct injection petrol engines (1955 MB300SL) the culprit for diesel/petrol finding its way into the oil pan is mostly due to:

1. Overfuelling (check for high EGT temperatures)

2. Injector spray pattern not correct (Use STP or similar injector cleaner)

3. High pressure leak back occurring in the injector (discard buy new one)

I do not think, that the cylinder head is faulty, you would get symptoms such as oil in cooling water, miss on one or more cylinders, oil leaking from cyl. head gaskets, pressurizing of the cooling water system, check this with engine cold, if there is excessive pressure when opening the cooling water expansion container, suspect a faulty head gasket


Td5 cylinder heads cracking is a well known fault. It only happens on the early heads (1999-2002). Fitting either a new 'spanish' head or a later type head are the best ways to stop it happening again.
Td5 cylinder heads cracking is a well known fault. It only happens on the early heads (1999-2002). Fitting either a new 'spanish' head or a later type head are the best ways to stop it happening again.
Or wait until your oil pump sprocket bolt undoes itself and just put a new engine in like wot I'm in the middle of doing. :mad:

Engine is now bolted to the gear box. Just got to plumb it all up and hopefully it will burst into life. Poxy weather has been against me which is why its taking so long.
All the work is being done on my drive cos my 90 wont fit in my garage.

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