
New Member
Hello, I went to a local family run Land Rover repairer, (not a dealership), to buy a used headlamp washer, I had never been there before, not only did they have the part but the Guy fitted it for me as well. Then he went & got his Diagnostic box of tricks & plugged into my Disco (2002 TD5), he showed me all sorts of things that he could check (&change). Then he gave me the keys to his Mums same year TD5, & told me to take it round the block, which I did. It was like driving a bloody sports car! the acceleration was incredible. When I got back I asked what they had done to it, & apparently they just re-programmed the ECU chip, via a company that somehow downloads the new data, via his box of tricks over the phone, it takes 15 mins to do, & costs 500 quid. Do any of you know anything about this?
I did have a look at that company, but it is too far away, I live in Brighton.
Thanks anyway, would you know yet if it has increased mpg?
EGR puts exhaust gas into the air intake... needs to be removed!
Plenty of info on here, use the search
OK, listen, I went back to the little independent garage today to get some more info on this re-map. Their diagnostic kit is made by "Autologic", (cost them 10 grand!) it is this company that supply the software, they have to plug it into there pc regularly to keep it updated. This re-map is completely reversable, & they (autologic) actually advertise it as "try before you buy", I pointed this out to the Man, anyway, long story short, he had to phone them & pay with his card over the phone, no idea how much but probably no-where near £500. We then both got into my car, he plugged the box in, pressed some buttons, & very soon a status bar was showing the deleting of my current ECU settings, & then another showing installation of the new ones, about 10 mins later it said it was complete. He then had to phone them again to ask about the throttle travel settings, & reset them on his gadget. At no time was the bonnet lifted. He then took me for a spin, talk about a white knuckle ride! Anyway, I have arranged to go back in a week to either pay, or have it reversed, these are some seriously nice people!
I have only driven it to & from work today but it is a different car. I am going away this weekend with our newly purchased caravan, so it should be a good test. Look at the Autologic site for all the details. sorry this was so long but I thought it was worth telling you all.

I know it's been a while but I wondered how you got on with towing with your re-mapped Td5?

I'm thinking of buying one and having it re-mapped so am curious as to how you got on?


Regarding the re-map, best £500 I ever spent. It turned a sluggish TD5 into a superb towing machine. The guy who did the re-map had several settings, from just a mild tune up to one which he said would spin the wheels on drive off. :(

I opted for a reasonable setting, so as to make towing my caravan a little easier. I was not into bashing the transmission by having the engine boosted to some silly BHP.

We have a large steep hill where we live, before the tune it had to be taken in 3rd gear, afterwards it would cruise up in 4th tickling the throttle, it made a world of a difference.


hi, my td5 110 is being re- mapped tomorrow by Dyna chip, il post somme feedback tomorrow and let you know if any good.
well the mapping is done, i have to say it has transformed the car the hesitancy pulling out of junctions is gone, the mid range surge is excellent, it feels more like a hot hatch than a 2 ton 4x4, all in all money well spent.
well the mapping is done, i have to say it has transformed the car the hesitancy pulling out of junctions is gone, the mid range surge is excellent, it feels more like a hot hatch than a 2 ton 4x4, all in all money well spent.

Can you let us know onthe mpg front how it goes and any other feedback would be great.
Having recently purchased a TD5 LR 90 after previously owning a Disco 300TDi I was unhappy with the driving experience of the 90. The engine noise at 70mph was excessive and you could actually see the needle on the fuel gauge moving towards empty while cruising at this speed.

Through a recommendation from a friend I spoke to Mike at Dynachip about this. Mike advised me to fit an ashcroft ratio conversion kit and then get back to him. This kit essentially raises the transfer case ratio by 15% which makes it the same as a standard Disco. After fitting the ashcroft conversion kit the truck felt different but not right some how.

I got back to Mike and arranged to go and see him. Mike explained that there were flat spots in the standard ECU map and removing these and also slightly increasing the fuel ratio would transform the driving experience. He said I could expect smooth and increased acceleration and reduced fuel consumption while cruising.

I agreed to have the truck remapped there and then which took around an hour or there abouts. Mike showed me the flat spots on the old map using his ECU software and then I watched him smooth them out and increase the fuel ratio through the range reaching just less than 10% at the top end.

Mike insisted I went for a test drive before leaving. You'll have to try it to believe it, a complete transformation.

This guy knows his stuff, my truck flies, I can hear the radio at 70mph and I don't have to make as many stops at the garage.

If your thinking of having an ECU remap , at £225 it has to be Dynachip in my view.


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yes it will work mine is a 1999 td5, he de solders the existing chip to remove it, downloads new data onto the new chip and re solders it into the ecu, the best part for me was he comes to your home or even work so you can see exactly whats happening and you get a diagnostic check as well.

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