Glad you have got to the bottom of it.BTW, someone was selling bottles of Lucas electrical smoke - cant remember the part number !
Gary at TD5 Alive is top man with sorting out Storm ecu's, now my own TD5 has settled down since its had a full engine rebuild,I'm going to get him to do a torque/towing map on it.
Well, sadly, Gary reckons it can't be fixed as the board is damaged. Still don't know why the smoke escaped, so wouldn't know how to pour it back in. Bet Lucas have loads of the stuff.
No real sign of oil inside ecu...
Reckon that's going to cost me in grief as well as money
INterestingly, I noticed on an australian LR site that achap in Ireland had a similar problem - on,lifting the throttle, the engine died. Knowing now that it's also associated with an exploded resistor, obviously, there's something the ECU is doing on throttle-liftoff, but it's gone wrong and so the engine light comes on. Must be a severe problem for the ECU to need to simply kill the engine
Quick update:

Found two resistors on ECu board burned out - the blue smoke that makes all electronics work had escaped.

It's with Gary at TD5Alive, so he can look at the codes and, if necessary, clone it

There's an inherent design flaw (LR - surprise surprise) that means sometimes, the tracks on the PCB in the ECU might be handling 80 volts at 8 amps. What Richard-head thought that might be a good idea?
So, even if I found out why, and have to spend £500+ to replace it - all I have is a brand new, but badly designed piece of kit that I hope might last another ten years

Will update when I've found more about why such a vulnerable piece of overpriced kit should be so easily compromised within the normal operating conditions.

No way to get 80V in a 12v DC system. You would need an inverter and step up transformer. I would have a go at fixing that ECU, depends on how extensive the track damage is and knowing the values of the cooked resistors. I would be worried that whatever the fault that caused it, would still be there when the new ECU is fitted.
No way to get 80V in a 12v DC system. You would need an inverter and step up transformer. I would have a go at fixing that ECU, depends on how extensive the track damage is and knowing the values of the cooked resistors. I would be worried that whatever the fault that caused it, would still be there when the new ECU is fitted.
Wrong - the voltage used to fire the EUI's is around 80v,in common with other diesels that LR used - the TD4 and 6 BMW engines also run around 80v,you can even see the measured voltage on Testbook as live data.
As with many things Land Rover I cant say I'm really interested - I can only tell you what I see on the screen with T4,when working on 4 and 6 cyl BMW crap and what I've seen on a Picoscope screen when working on TD5 crap.I only need question it when there is a problem,not when its seen as the norm.
gday guys new member from oz got myself disco 2 td5 auto would lie to know a good but not to expensive scanner to buy cheers

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