Checking to see if it's over pressurising or of it's a bad cap.
Over pressure is usually exhaust gas from a head gasket but could also be an airlock or some other blockage. Has it overheated?
Ah right, good to know.
No it hasn't overheated (yet) the temp needle sits on the halfway mark, but I'm sure if i didn't keep a close eye on it it would, one strange thing i have noticed is my old 200Tdi used to get to just below the halfway mark then i assume the thermostat opened and it drop to about a quarter way and sat there, on this Td5 the needle will get to just of the bottom, sit there for a while and then quite rapidly rise to halfway and sit there.
Maybe this is common to all Td5's ??
Well todays update,
Got a cap from breaker (from running motor) still blows water from overflow, got new cap from Landrover, still blows water from overflow.
The pipes are firm but not rock solid, I can squeeze them with a bit effort, the heater works and seems to be o.k, next thing on my list is to get the coolant "sniff" tested to see if any exhaust gas's in there, after that not a clue what to do, have spoke to a few garages but all say head gasket but don't want to pay out shed loads without more definite proof that's the root of the problem.
Any more ideas please as starting to loose the plot.
Thanks Bill.
Have you tried letting it idle from cold with no cap on yet?
If you don't want to let it get fully up to temp without the cap, put it one once it gets to around 60c. It should still build some pressure, but nowhere near as much and should be quite squishy
Ah right, good to know.
No it hasn't overheated (yet) the temp needle sits on the halfway mark, but I'm sure if i didn't keep a close eye on it it would, one strange thing i have noticed is my old 200Tdi used to get to just below the halfway mark then i assume the thermostat opened and it drop to about a quarter way and sat there, on this Td5 the needle will get to just of the bottom, sit there for a while and then quite rapidly rise to halfway and sit there.
Maybe this is common to all Td5's ??
It is.
If the head gasket has gone there is a cheapish test kit you can get which tests the coolant to see if it has got combustion products in it. Cheaper than taking the head off for nothing!
This is the one I use.
Amazon product
Well todays update, ran engine up to temp from cold with no cap on, both pipes on heater got hot and heater worked fine, pipes were more squishy than with cap on, only thing happening in header tank was a steady stream of water from the return pipe, no other bubbling at all.
Put cap back on, drove for a few miles and checked again and found water in milkbottle, so pressure back again ??? :confused:.
Stanleysteamer, did you post a link ? as nothing there, think this might be my next step.
Thanks Bill
Were the pipes firm again after you drive the few miles? Kind of have to be but need to ask.
Almost has to be exhaust gases from somewhere :(
Yes, not solid but quite firm, going to look on the tinternet now for a cheep sniff tester, looks more and more like headgasket :eek: but need to be sure before spending shed loads of cash
Well todays update, ran engine up to temp from cold with no cap on, both pipes on heater got hot and heater worked fine, pipes were more squishy than with cap on, only thing happening in header tank was a steady stream of water from the return pipe, no other bubbling at all.
Put cap back on, drove for a few miles and checked again and found water in milkbottle, so pressure back again ??? :confused:.
Stanleysteamer, did you post a link ? as nothing there, think this might be my next step.
Thanks Bill
I did post a link but if you didn't get it i'll put the address up.
Amazon product
Hope that works for you. I think it works with both diesel and petrol but you'll check before ordering.
Can't be too hard to find with a search.
Well my latest update.
Stanleysteamer, the address didn't show up, wonder if the site wont allow for some reason ??, but thanks for trying :).
Today the kit recommended by Hellastoney turned up i tried it and yes it changed colour, not a lot but enough to make me sweat, just to make sure i tested the wife's car and nothing, so deffo headgasket then :(.
I have now got the truck booked in for the work next week with a good garage near me, unfortunately i now have to spend a lot of evenings down the docks being "nice" to sailors to pay for it ;).
Thank you all for your help and advice
Well my latest update.
Stanleysteamer, the address didn't show up, wonder if the site wont allow for some reason ??, but thanks for trying :).
Today the kit recommended by Hellastoney turned up i tried it and yes it changed colour, not a lot but enough to make me sweat, just to make sure i tested the wife's car and nothing, so deffo headgasket then :(.
I have now got the truck booked in for the work next week with a good garage near me, unfortunately i now have to spend a lot of evenings down the docks being "nice" to sailors to pay for it ;).
Thank you all for your help and advice
You'll need to charge more than sixpence a time :):):).
Well my latest update.
Stanleysteamer, the address didn't show up, wonder if the site wont allow for some reason ??, but thanks for trying :).
Today the kit recommended by Hellastoney turned up i tried it and yes it changed colour, not a lot but enough to make me sweat, just to make sure i tested the wife's car and nothing, so deffo headgasket then :(.
I have now got the truck booked in for the work next week with a good garage near me, unfortunately i now have to spend a lot of evenings down the docks being "nice" to sailors to pay for it ;).
Thank you all for your help and advice
Well i'm glad you've got to the bottom of the diagnostics.
Once done at least it'll be better.
Once the head is off, if you haven't had it done already I'd recommend checking the exhaust manifold isn't warped. If it isn't I'd make a cut through the webs between each tube, if it is warped then you'll need to get it skimmed, obvs.
If not caught in time it can be a whole nightmare of busted studs, drilling them out etc etc.

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