
New Member
Hi guys, just joined this site and I hope someone can help me..
I have a 54 plate TD4 auto. Since the cars last service I have noticed that trying to hold a constant speed in the car, say 30 MPH, the rev's start to hunt and the car starts to kangaroo. This is realy noticable when the car is cold as the auto box does not allow the car to change up gear untill it reaches about 3,500 RPM, so holding 30mph the car is revving at 2,500.
I have taken the car to the dealer a couple of times, and each time they claim to have fixed the problem. This has not been the case though!!
The car was due a service in June this year so I held off returning the car back for the same fault untill the service, about 2 weeks ago.
At the service, 36,000 mile service, they claimed to have found no fault so again I had to re-book the car back in.
This time the dealer now claims that i have filled up with petrol, which i have not and wants to charge me for draining the tank and a new injector £600, and the fault is still there......
I would notice if i filled up with petrol wouldn't I? I always fill up from empty at least 3 gallons....
Could this be a MAF problem???
Any help please would be great.....
If you filled with petrol, it would cut out and not restart, I've seen cases where it will start on petrol but you could never drive it.

Check the high fuel pressure sensor connections on the fuel rail, vibration from the injector pulses causes the terminals to open up causing poor connections.

other possibility is that the low side fuel pressure is down caused either by a leaky injector or low pressure fuel pump fault.

Faulty Air flow meter will usually cause a lack of power rather than kangarooing (is that a word??)
Thanks for that. The car is at the dealers (trying to fix the fault) at the moment so any ammo would be great to stop them from billing me for parts that do not help the situation..
Something that i forgot to add is that i have not noticed any performance change after allegedly adding petrol, let alone the car not running, only the kangarooing. Also the dealer is trying to charge me for the injector as a result of the alleged petrol damaging it?
Is this correct? Can they do that as the car is still under warranty....
Something that i forgot to add is that i have not noticed any performance change after allegedly adding petrol, let alone the car not running, only the kangarooing. Also the dealer is trying to charge me for the injector as a result of the alleged petrol damaging it?
Is this correct? Can they do that as the car is still under warranty....

They are definately bull****ting you, I hate this kind of thing, gives us all a bad name.

For a start, if you had filled your car with petrol and drove it till it stopped, Land rover state that the ENTIRE fuel system be replaced, not just one injector.

Unfortunately you are liable for the cost to repair IF PETROL WAS FOUND in the system, most people claim off their insurance company.

I dunno what they are playing at, do you have the reciept for the fuel you put in? Tell them that you want a sample fuel sent away and have it analysed, dont autherise any work till you know for sure petrol is not in there.

If its under warranty then what problem is it to them that an injector is faulty? it'll be paid for by land rovers warranty dept.

Something doesn't sound right but make sure you definately didn't put petrol in it.
Hi again, yes i do have the fuel receipts for the diesel put into the car after the 36,000 mile service two weeks ago.
I have checked with the fuel station that i purchaced the fuel from and they can confirm that it was diesel.
Seams strange to me that i asked the garage to have a look at the kangaroo problem while it was in for the service but they did not mention anything about petrol being in the fuel system them....Since then i have only filled the car twice and both times as mentioned the fuel station have confirmed diesel.....
Would they have changed any filters at the service and if so wouldn't the allege petrol be obvious them?
I will phone them today and ask for a fuel sample to be sent away to be analysed as you mentioned.
Initially when they told me that the technician could smell petrol at the injectors i did argue that i had not filled up with it but they insisted that the system be drained and this was the problem. They then changed the injector without my instruction, insisting when i collected the car that the fault was fixed and they would contact land rover to ask for them to help with the costs... It still is not fixed and they expect me to pay for the work up to now, land rover would not help me.
I have logged a call return from land rover customer service about this issue after your advice and only hope that this can be resolved quickly.
Again thank you for your advice. We all need people like you to stop us from being ripped off by the dealers...
Will keep you posted.

Tell them that THEY have built this fault in when they did the service

Go to the top man at the garage and challenge him to get this vehicle running without fault that day!!

IMO they are taking the P*ss

makes my blood boil :mad:

Hi ive red the thread and i agree with all you have said, i had a car in the other day which had died he had just filled it up with fuel swore blind he had not put petrol in it, but it did smell like petrol had been mixed, i drained some out put it on the floor and tried to light it, i know stupid but the point is it did not ignite, further investigation on the smell and texture as it did not feel as slippery as diesel should, i have since found out that some refiners are adding more silicone for some reason when mixing, tescos had to cough up cash when this was proved. i think overall the smell of diesel has changed its not like it was so easy option is set fire to it, proves it all, my fault turned out to be an internal topside fault in thunder ecu so everyone happy, cheers tiga
Thanks for the advice guys....
The smell test on the fuel sounds like it was the problem to me.
Still have not heard from the garage yet about the repair or the final cost!!!!
Hello again guys...
Following the problems with the car the dealer has agreed to cover all the work under warrenty..This is good but they have given the car back to me with the same problem that it went in with.
The chaps told me that they have done everything that they can and have replaced the ECU also, still no change.
I am really clutching at straws now......
Some things that I have noticed, don’t know if it could be related, but there is a lot of oil in the air pipe work running parallel with the air intake. I presume this is recirc air from the turbo.
I took the pipe work off of the car and a lot of oil did drip from the emissions sensor and associated pipe work...
Could this increased residue be a cause to the bad running/kangarooing???
Any help would be fantastic..
Just a thought but i had the same problem with my 03 td4. I changed the air recyling filter at the rear of the air fillter, that along with a peirburg maf and shes running like new.
the rev's start to hunt and the car starts to kangaroo. This is realy noticable when the car is cold as the auto box does not allow the car to change up gear untill it reaches about 3,500 RPM, so holding 30mph the car is revving at 2,500.

My TD4 Auto had the same problem... Going up hills and holding a medium throttle setting the rev counter would surge up and down 500 revs! It was the MAF sensor that caused this (surge) on my TD4.. Sorry to keep saying but after fitting a RoverRon box 99% of my problems disapeared!

The cold change-up is probably normal for the Jatco box.. I lift off slightly and this makes the box change up (sometimes) ;o)

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