I'm not even gonna ask what you normally use the Endoscope for :)

I poorly seated injector can cause horrible problems with smoking and misfires under load. I had one once that had a similar problem , someone had changed the injector and not cleaned the seat up. They pitted it to hell when they bolted the copper washer down over the carbon. Though im sure thats not your case!

I'm assuming you've drag tested your fuel pressure sensor pins and they're all ok? Poor contact with those can cause the ECU to do funny things even without the EML light on.
Endoscope was from Aldi a month or so back - it looked good and I love gadgets - it's hot a screen and you can even down load to a compute! I used it for checking piston crowns on my bikes.

Injector seating - well a local garage did them for me first time so anything is possible - it may well be pitting. Ah well put it will come 2mro - I think number one will come out without removing the manifold at least.

If it is pitted I don't know how I can face it down there. Sleep on it methinks and dream the solution - I wish.
Just reread your comment - I haven't tested the sensor - what does drag testing mean - how is it done? I have a meter.
Wait forget i said dragtest :) That would require you having a spare terminal set!

I'm just refering to LTB00052 , i think there may be mention of it on some other threads on this forums?

Well its mainly about LR making crappy connectors, the bulletin refers to 'poor start , poor idle and engine hesitations' . The thing to check is the connector on the end of the common rail. In extreme cases it can be corroded up, but there is also issues with the pins being loose. If your feeling clever you can merely 'tighten' the female pins on the connector with a tiny tiny screwdriver. Making sure that there is decent contact onto the male pins.

The complete fix for this is a new sensor and overlay to PCM, but tightening the pins is a 2 minute job and probably worth a check :)

Additionally ; How come in your avatar there is sunshine, yet it says your from Wales . Were you on holiday? :)
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Yep will do - I looked up drag test and saw I would have needed another terminal. I will do a check on it though as best I can. I can do the pin thing.

I am going to lift out No1 injector though as it us sitting higher than the others and the threads on the collar posts are showing less so it looks luge it's not seated - I did make sure if was down as far as it would go though - mmmm I think I may have a problem with this one.
Ok sprayed all connectors with electrical cleaner - no sign of rust etc - all looked good.

Took out number 1 injector - the bid that looks like it's sitting higher than the rest. Had a good look and the seat has some damage to it. I swooped it out for another injector I had and used an old washer - it's so easy to change I thought it worth a go. It is better but not perfect.

Now I am getting over analytical noe and wonder if an alloy washer has been dropped down there in the past and bonded to the face. That would explain the raised height as it is a washer amount. I can't seem to find an edge to lift it with a bent bicycle spoke but if it's fused then that would make sense - its not as clean a fit as the others - I am convincing myself this us the case!!!

Now if it is what next? I have done thoughts but as it's all back together and running okish I am not going to rush in.
When I changed an injector, coincidentally also No1, I couldn't initially get the washer out. I ended up using a sharp chisel to split the copper washer and thus deform it enough to get a purchase on it to pull it out. You shouldn't damage the seating face if you are careful.

When I changed an injector, coincidentally also No1, I couldn't initially get the washer out. I ended up using a sharp chisel to split the copper washer and thus deform it enough to get a purchase on it to pull it out. You shouldn't damage the seating face if you are careful.


That sounds like a plan but I need to be certain what I am hitting is actually a washer and not the seat!

Do you know what the seat it made of?
Ok sprayed all connectors with electrical cleaner - no sign of rust etc - all looked good.

Took out number 1 injector - the bid that looks like it's sitting higher than the rest. Had a good look and the seat has some damage to it. I swooped it out for another injector I had and used an old washer - it's so easy to change I thought it worth a go. It is better but not perfect.

Now I am getting over analytical noe and wonder if an alloy washer has been dropped down there in the past and bonded to the face. That would explain the raised height as it is a washer amount. I can't seem to find an edge to lift it with a bent bicycle spoke but if it's fused then that would make sense - its not as clean a fit as the others - I am convincing myself this us the case!!!

I think your nuts!!! Goodluck with that :)
Ok - I kind of like the compliment!!!

Seriously though not sure what choice I have - do you think I will do untold damage if it isn't a washer down there? What else would hold the injector up a washer level up.

The more I think about it and loom - I see one of the collars has a stainless washer on it which is different to the others - the missing washer eh! Mmmm looks more like it is down there - but how to extract it?

I think I will go for the hit it solution but I nerd to know what the seat is made of - is it a steel seat or alloy? Anyone know?
I am going to send up another topic asking what the seats are made of to get more responses. I will keep this one going so you guys know the outcome.
I've had a though and its epic.

Measure it !

Remove injector 1 and 2 , get your bike spoke or wielding wire or whatever . Measure depth to seat, measure the depth the injector sits into the port etc. Compared! Profit , Drink beer!

Also, im if your injector was sat to high , wouldnt the high pressure fuel pipe not fit on it and you would be required to bend it to get it started?

Last thought , isnt the shoulder on the injectors meant to slide up and down. Check that they are freely moving on whichever injector isnt sitting right. Its a whilst since ive fitted any of these injectors, but i seem to remember that there is an outer sheath on the injector which slides up to clamp the shoulder onto the injector as you tighten it down.

Oki , out of ideas :) Happy Hunting !
I may very well go down the measuring route but would need to strip off the manifold etc again.

The high pressure pipe is fitted loosley before tightening down do could very well be stressed. The collar slides ok and is pulling down the injector but there is less thread showing than the others - it all adds up to my missing washer.

I have just discovered that you can get reseating tools for £60 so there is an option - simply cut it down!? Or at least have a goat distorting what I think is a washer to remove it - if I have got it wrong then as long as I don't go too far I can reseat.

I am going to think on it again. But am tempted to just remove the copper washer and start it up - if it rubs better standing still then I can stop it and do the job.

You suggestion is not epic - taking the head off would be!
I thought measuring something was pretty epic.

It didnt even involve a hammer. To be honest , i'd barely even consider it car mechanics without a hammer involved.
The Injector is definitely higher and swooping it for one that sits lower in one of the other ports sits high in port 1
Ok job done!

It was indeed an old copper sealing washer left in by either a previous owner or the garage I took it to originally to get the injectors out.

I took the advice and with a sharp screwdriver cut through the washer do enabling it to distort and then lifted it out with a bent bicycle spoke.

Unfortunately although I was gently not gentle enough and I have marked the seat - its not too bad and I have popped an injector back and the miss has gone - yippee!!!

I may have to get it out again and reseat but will see how it goes first.

The injector now sits at the correct height as well - it looks as though the washer was dished in the seat do the sides were holding the injector quite high.

Now more performance, no smoke and cleaner pulling away.

But I still have a slight shimmy on initial acceleration so back to the drawing board on that one - drive train perhaps - I may stick a camera underneath to see what is happening!

Thanks guys the help was great.
Well I have given it a good testing - better acceleration better pulling power good top speed but still this shimmy which I now think us a low down miss so looks like one of my injectors is truly knackered low down.

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