
New Member
We bought an 04 Freelander td4 HSE back just before xmas, the misses loved it but it was a little bit flat (we had a 500bhp mitsubish evo and a Nissan Skyline as our other cars) so we decided to get hold of Roverron and get a synergy. Anyway, fitted the box and it made a massive transformation on the car. Then after a fairly short while the misses started complaining taht it was very easy to stall and often smoked under heavy acceleration. So I had a chat with RoverRon and he said it sounded like a maf problem....so I turned the maf compensation up and it seemed better again. The car has a full warranty on it with no claims limit so I decided to put in in the garage and get it sorted. I removed teh box so that teh computers didn't show any weird reading from teh synergy being connected to it at the time.

I dropped the car off tuesday morning with a local specialist called HBH Landrover and explained what had been going on. Had a phone call about 11am saying that they'd hooked it up to the computer and the MAF was dodgy as expected. Warranty company authorised replacement of teh Maf without a problem (well they agreed to pay all bar about 12 quid of the maf and fitting). So I thought all woudl be well and away she'd go.

I hadn't heard anything back from them by about 3pm so decided to give them a bell to see what time I could collect it. The guy on teh service desk said "It's still on the ramp at teh moment sir, requires firther investigation, I'll get our engineer to call you in 5 minutes". Strange I thought but didn't really think much more of it. Then at about 5:20 I had a call from the engineer saying that they had problems logging into the ecu and that the ecu required a new download as it was wiped. They said that they thought the synergy had caused issues with the ecu. We are downloading it now sir he said. Then handed me back to the guy on the desk. I said to the guy on the desk that if anything was going to cost anymore to contact me. Left it there and waited for a call teh following day.

About 10am the follwoing day (wednesday) I got a call saying taht teh car was ready for collection and teh bill was 800 quid !!!!!!!! The bill was a service which was 272 plus 50 quid for some breather kit I was supposed to have fitted. The rest was the maf and the map which I hadn't authorised. When I said taht I had told them to tell me of any aditional cost before they did anything teh service desk fella said "well we can put it back as it was sir no problem" in quite an ignorant manor. Anyway, long story short, I didn't have time to go collect it yesterday and this morning I had a call from the garage again checking I was coming for it and he also said it's still flat when it's cold but it's ok once it warms up. So to me it seems that it's still not rite and has cost me 800 quid for bugger all. I can claim part of that 800 back (about 250 or 280 I think) for the maf from teh warranty company. Has anybody got any idea what the hell is going on. I don't mind paying fo rthings ot be fixed, but it sounds like it's exactly the same to me :S I guess you coudl say I am not a happy bunny!
1) ask them nicely why they are charging you for work you didnt authorise and that you do not wish to pay for it.

2) see what the response is.

3) when they tell you to "fook orf" or "we aint doing nuffink, pay up" - then tell em to put it back as it was, because the fault has not been fixed, that you did not authorise the extra work and that you are contacting trading standards regarding fraud. Also complain to the highest person you can find regarding the attitude of the service peep.

that will wake them up;).

empty threats are no threat - prepare to carry it out:rolleyes:
tell em to put it back as it was, because the fault has not been fixed, that you did not authorise the extra work and that you are contacting trading standards regarding fraud. Also complain to the highest person you can find regarding the attitude of the service peep.

that will wake them up;).

Well I was thinking something similar, but I was gonna pick it up and take it from there first, then go back and complain that it's exactly the same although i'm 800 quid lighter. I just want the damn thing fixed. Will put it in writing from a solicitor instead then.
once they got yo money - yu got problems. speak to solicitor FIRST. maybe a call from him might sort it.
once they got yo money - yu got problems. speak to solicitor FIRST. maybe a call from him might sort it.

I need the car back is the problem!

I just can't imagine what they could have done (or not done) really.

Think I'm about to get a wallet hammering to get it sorted, shoudl have just dumped it in landrover and been done with it !
Hi there,

I would refuse the car, until you have spoken to someone senior. All the dealers are the same. You can't trust them. You pay premium for service levels and correct diagnosis of the vehicle, and still you get attitude and sarcasm. I have had it on many occassions.


gerra cheap hire car till its sorted - it will be cheaper - but speak to that solicitor first - yu mite even be able to claim that back too :D
Hi there,

I would refuse the car, until you have spoken to someone senior. All the dealers are the same. You can't trust them. You pay premium for service levels and correct diagnosis of the vehicle, and still you get attitude and sarcasm. I have had it on many occassions.



Well I've said I wanna speak to the guy who did it to start with, they have altered their wording a little now, at first they said they logged in and readings from maf were wrong so replaced it then couldn't log in later. Now they are saying taht they coudln't get a reading so repalced it then still couldn't read it and then the ecu crashed out.....something has been ****ed up and I'm having trouble on proving it etc.
gerra cheap hire car till its sorted - it will be cheaper - but speak to that solicitor first - yu mite even be able to claim that back too :D

I've got 3 cars and there are only two of us, the misses is driving a smart roadster back and for work anyway. She just wants teh freelander back to do things like take teh dog out etc. Guess it's gonna be a problem now. I'm just worried taht the "more investigation" is gonna cost an arm and a leg!
it sounds like they screwed it up - and are trying to pass the costs on to you.

If you drove it in - then you are entitled to ask for it to be put back the way it was - to drive it out again - that will cause em some probs.;)
get on to a solicitor straight away. fur £800 it is worth it.

wheres Retz when yu want him :rolletes:.
Hi there,

Just threaten them, with you are willing to speak to trading standards and have their enginners have a look at the vehicle. Or tell them that you will pay for an independent inspection of the vehicle. How can thy charge you £800 and the result is the same. Tell them, you are not paying them a penny until you are satisfied and that you are not paying £800 or more to fix something.

Part of the 800 is admitedly the service which worked out about 330. teh rest is all fixing a problem of iyt being flat, they are still blaming the synergy!!!
ok - tell em yu will pay the £330 but not a penny more.

i think yu an td4 aught to fight each others battles - yu can take ought yo frustration on each others garages then:D
ok - tell em yu will pay the £330 but not a penny more.

i think yu an td4 aught to fight each others battles - yu can take ought yo frustration on each others garages then:D

I'm bluddy great at fighting other peoples battles, but I'm useless at fighting my own! Wish there was somebody local who had teh knowledge of teh car to come with me and mess them up like they seem to have done with my freelander:(

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