New Member
Hiya guys and gals, hope you all had a Merry Christmas (and alchoholic one)

Just a quick question, got the Hippo back from the garage last week after 3 mnths of trying to sort it and now I have another problem.

Sometimes when I get in it starts, then sometimes I get in and it wont. It just turns over and doesnt start. Leave it for 10mins or so and it will fire up.

It's not just when it is hot, it sometimes happens first thing on a morning.

Any ideas?

I had a TD4 Freelander with the same problem, turned out to be a failing fuel pump, the one fitted under the floor at the back.

This is a well known problem wih this model and was replaced under warranty.

Hope this helps.
Could be, however, my td4 runs and starts everytime with that pump disconected! I carried out several tests after the AA man told me that my lift pump was u/s when my TD4 would'nt start from hot... he started it using easy start! my intermitent fault turned out to be the cam sensor... it also was a lot cheaper than a pump or pump(s) if you take it to a RR garage!!
Hi all need some help new to the forum I have fair knowledge of the engine not as good as you guy’s but hope to, here it goes my problem is like N13when the vehicle cools down, I don’t get the problem in the morning but sometimes not all the time when I go out park up for about 2hrs come back to start and problems here is the sequence I use to start works 75% of the time I believe it is a reset switch it has a red rubber top on it next to the fuel pump I un-jack it turn the ignition on then jack it back in with the ignition still on as I said it works 75% hope you all can narrow it down for me thanks.

N13k did not mean to hi-jack your thread hope it's close to your problem.
Hi all need some help new to the forum I have fair knowledge of the engine not as good as you guy’s but hope to, here it goes my problem is like N13when the vehicle cools down, I don’t get the problem in the morning but sometimes not all the time when I go out park up for about 2hrs come back to start and problems here is the sequence I use to start works 75% of the time I believe it is a reset switch it has a red rubber top on it next to the fuel pump I un-jack it turn the ignition on then jack it back in with the ignition still on as I said it works 75% hope you all can narrow it down for me thanks.

N13k did not mean to hi-jack your thread hope it's close to your problem.
yer fuel cut off is fooked sejo. . . .:)
Hiya guys and gals, hope you all had a Merry Christmas (and alchoholic one)

Just a quick question, got the Hippo back from the garage last week after 3 mnths of trying to sort it and now I have another problem.

Sometimes when I get in it starts, then sometimes I get in and it wont. It just turns over and doesnt start. Leave it for 10mins or so and it will fire up.

It's not just when it is hot, it sometimes happens first thing on a morning.

Any ideas?


9 times out of 10 this fault is caused by low primary fuel pressure, either the fuel pump under the wheel arch is fooked or one or more of the injectors are leaking back.

Low side fuel pressure should be about 350kpa, any lower and it wont start (dunno what that is in psi) also if the fuel pressure drops off when the engine is revved then the low side fuel pump is on its way out.

You'll also need to do an injector leak off test, proceed as follows....

Remove the engine cover to gain access to the top of the injectors, very carefully unclip and disconnect all the return lines from the top of the injectors, clamp the retuen line so that no fuel can can leak out of any of the unions, turn the ignition on. If any fuel dribbles from the tops of any of the injectors, the faulty ones will need to be replaced, you may not think it but this small leak is enough to cause bad starting.
Thanks very much for the info guys, I will be putting the car back in the garage after the new year.

The garage that I bought the Hippo from hasnt really got a clue about the goings on of these beasts, so I will relay this info onto them.

Sejo_tt, dont worry about it. We are all here for the same reason.
yu can always suggest that - if they dont know these motors - that the work is carried out by an independant that does - and that they pick up the tab.
Yeah mhm, they done that with my last problem and they footed a £1500 bill. It has had new fuel pumps, altenator, reconditioned intercooler, new vacuum pipes and so on.....

Then when I get it back the bloody thing wont start now. TYPICAL


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