Same as last post I'm afraid, and it doesn't look like I will have time to collect it this week either.... but after that I shall get it back here & make a decision....
From your name I though it was in one place. From yer profile it's in another. But you say you need to go and get it. Where is it roughly? East midlands/north wales etc.
?? It's not far from home to me, which is Staffs/Shrops border..Near Newport Shrops, but actually Staffordshire...then in my profile you could locate me from web. address etc.
if need that is??

Duke of Offley ( wanted to change to my 45 year old title of TITCH really.. )
Ok. Someone may be within distance to help.

You can ask one of the mods/admin to change yer name if yer like. Don't get tricked into allowing us to choose the new name for you.
Got it back here!
Battery flat, or flat enough not to turn the engine over.. not even 12 months old!

So, time permitting, I shall be giving it one final looking over this weekend, possibly give it a good clean up too, front of the car is spattered in crap, can't avoid it after being towed on a trailer behind a tractor with massive wheels in our lanes!! MOT runs out in December so not likely to be going for another one. It looks like it will be in the For Sale section soon.
I spent £1600 on an autobox rebuild... I felt it was worth it for the condition of the car, so it's your call
Oh 'eck.

That makes it sound as if my car is worth more than I thought, but sadly I doubt I'll be wanting to go that route....
Still got to decide....
I had an hour at the Freelander this morning, strange goings on.....
Had the engine ticking over for an hour.. engine is sweet as a nut.. but the cooling fans never kicked in.. now this is strange because it was the cooling fans that were running constantly when I had that problem with it being like stuck in third only... I think there's an electrical gremlin in residence, I'm convinced it is!!
Also, I think I've mentioned on a previous post, about a month before the autobox stopped, the speedometer goes straight up to 160mph!! ( or whatever full indicated speed is on the dial) it just stays there no matter what speed you do, when the box worked, however.... whilst I sat in the drivers seat for 10 minutes, engine running, contemplating/thinking/cursing.... the lcd mileometer gained 37 miles!!!! I saw it keep going up, whilst I sat there stationary!!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes.. looking at last years MOT, December 2012, there was 108,000 and now it's showing 133,000.. there's no way on this planet that my misses has done 25,000 miles..absolutely no no physical way, so, as it gained 37 miles in under 10 minutes, SITTING STILL, I guess it's added a few thousand more whilst it was being used with the speedo needle stuck at full speed?????
Electronics..I HATE them with a passion on vehicles..I guess, and probably accurately, that the car, a 2001 model, has done no more than 120,000 The TD4 motor is perfect!

So, what do I do, throw money at it to an Auto electrician to trace this autobox/fans/speedo problem... or bite the bullet and ask £700 for it as it is??
Someone could just sort it.. I'm beginning to think that's the way to go, I just don't have the time or somehow the inclination to do anything else with it...
Look out for in the classifieds soon I'm thinking............
I always thought it knew it's speed from the abs system which monitors the wheels turning. This could be the reason why yer auto is playing up, as it also uses that info. The issue of being stuck in gear... electric problems... check the 2 earths located behind the passenger headlight are attached. Look down behind the headlight. They attach to the metal work with studs. One on the inner wing and one just below it on the flat bit. If you have a multimeter you could measure yer auto's solenoids and sensors just to help rule that out, but it won't tell you if they is sticking. Other earth points to check below. With the engine running, what's the voltage on the fag lighter socket? Gearbox and fans seem to share the same earth if I remember correctly.


earth XsY4XdJ
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Thanks Hippo, there does seem some logic to your points here then. I guess you are all saying Give It a Go, Check these earths. You'd be right too I suppose...

Where do I start, this gearbox/fans earth sounds interesting..maybe the speedo is related after all.. the problem is that I'm getting relayed information as I never drove the car.. but I am sure the speedo was playing up a few days before the auto box stopped..

Next question then, is there anyone near Stafford that would want to have a look at these points that Hippo has made for me, I'm not as physically flexible as I used to be these days and would find all this bending & twisting around the car hard work.
Obviously I'm prepared to pay for this, but local L/R service people I am worried would have to be running up a big bill just for looking & trying. Without trying to sound tight fisted with me monies, I just do question weather it warrants the cost on the car this way.
But if there's anyone willing, I can supply cups of tea AND money of course.. at a push, and it would have to be pushed, I could get it trailered to someone if they have the space to put it.....
I really do appreciate all the advice here folks, honestly I do, but I'm just lacking the skills electrically & mechanically & physically, and of course time.
Anyone interested please?
Thank You,
Titch ( aka Duke of Offley )
Any response to this?

Have you considered upping yer offer to include biscuits? Just wondering.
I know nothing about the Freelander, but P38's and L322's frequently suffer electrical gremlins due to corroded connectors and bad earths. Low battery voltage is also a common problem, with the engine at 2K rpm you should see about 14.2 volts at the battery.
OK Thanks again too, yes , I do believe that this whole issue is electrical related.. I have got a few other issues at home at the moment, which will disrupt my timescale on it,
but I shall have to be getting focused on the job of tracing all the earths in the first instance...

I DARE not tell anyone what I'm using myself as a daily motor now on here.. let's just say that there's no electrical trickery like this Freelander. But, I really do like the Freelander, I really do ???????
Thanks Hippo!

Biscuits?? Blimey, there'd be home made Coffee Cake or anything anyone wanted too!!!
Have you checked all the fuses are ok? Like the one causing the fan problem before.

If knowone else is available local I could come over but coffee cake sounds orrible and would need to be replaced with something betterer like jammy dodgers or chocolate bars. Bit of a distance to travel but would be interesting to see. I have a hawkeye which can read all computers on a Freelander 1 and read/clear fault codes. We could also check earths, measure auto sensors/solenoids, spin wheels to see if the abs detects them and try a process of elimination to see if we can find out more.

Coffee cake tastes far far better than you'd imagine..believe me, especially made by my other half in the Rayburn, mmmm but, we have access to a local confectionary store too!
I'll pm you, fuses checked yes etc...

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