£185 as of tomorrow... its all on the DVLA site.

Top price is £400 I think... I wasn't that intrested as I was just looking into what mine would be.
Bloody ell.

Whats the worry? Tax changes to vehicles, ie road tax, only came into force on motors registerd new from 1st April 2007.

These will then change again next year. FOR NEW MOTORS

Talk about headless chickens, though I don't agree with any changes to force us to pay more, it's not retrospective.

Talk about headless chickens, though I don't agree with any changes to force us to pay more, it's not retrospective.

Yes it is, it appies to cars registered after 1 March 2001
No problem for a J reg though.
2002 td5 (just given back cos changing job:( :( :( )
£185 as of renewal or whatever that class is in budget
silly money 2007 motors and onwards and emmision class related :confused: not sure how it works but on engine size/fuel/emmisions etc:confused:
Yes it is, it appies to cars registered after 1 March 2001
No problem for a J reg though.

Hmmmm, I have a 3.2 Petrol Alfa as my main vehicle on a 52 plate ie a late 2002 car, and my tax bracket hasn't gone up.
does that mean my 2001 pickup will b £400?????:eek: its march 12.
The important word is cars, if ot is taxed as a lighth comercial, or whatever the phrase is, no problem, just usual VED rises.
It will only effect you if you are already taxed by Co2 groups, they are being revamped next year. the hardest hit are those that would have been in band H had it existed when the vehicles were first registered, they remained in band G as it was not applied retrospectively. Next year they will be in their "proper" band, so VED will shoot up. This group includes the Td4 Auto!
I have just bought a G reg 110 CSW and it is registered as disabled and I need to change it to the proper tax band.

Would it be Private/light goods?

Also, I have just used that calculator link and was horrified that if mine was new I would be spanking £400 a year!


I have just bought a G reg 110 CSW and it is registered as disabled and I need to change it to the proper tax band.

Would it be Private/light goods?

Also, I have just used that calculator link and was horrified that if mine was new I would be spanking £400 a year!


But it's not new is it so it won't be 400 quid will it.
It should be PLG and will cost you 185 quid.

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