
New Member
As some of you may or may not know any vehicles registered before 1973 are eligible to be road tax exempt.

A petition has been set up to have a rolling 30 year exemption put back in place .

It was frozen in 2003.

Please sign the petition and if anyone could put a link up on any other forums they frequent that would be great.

Lets help retain our British motor vehicling history
Restore a rolling 30 year-old exemption to VED, for classic vehicles - e-petitions

Right up there with the petition to remove the requirement for an annual M.O.T. test IMHO

Even IF the Government took a blind bit of notice of it (highly unlikely ...the Del button is so much easier than dumping piles of paper after all)
It would more than likely raise a whole heap of restrictions on useage etc abroad .

Don't poke a bloody wasps nest you'll end up gettin stung .

Ohh and by the way My S3 109 isn't tax exempt and my S3 88 is 75 so missed out BUT hey ho life goes on,If i wanted a tax exempt motor I'll buy one not waste my time with online petitions .
firstly stop drawing the govs attention to it as they are more likely to take away the exemption for the pre 73 vehicles than bring back the rolling 25 years and that will fook it up for the rest of us.

secondly I am pretty sure a 1983 mazda doesnt deserve free tax so again leave it alone!
Well the petition to stop fuel hike in the new year worked, :)

so there
I dont think it was the petition just after all the cut backs he tried to sweeten us up by giving something back that would cost him fuc all and not really give us much either just something less to winge about.
He ought to of cut fuel duty by 80% not stopped a 2% rise ffs.:doh:
The exemption is for vehicles manufactured before 1st Jan 73, not registered before. Don't know if LR will do it but VW will certify by letter for a small fee the date of manufacture if given the chassis number. We bought a 73 reg Beetle 4yrs ago, wrote to VW for the letter and got £100 rebate from DVLA as the seller had taxed it without checking date made.

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