I can see myself having to get an engineers report for the agreed value. Time will tell. At the moment the AgVal is self declaration plus photos and it may stay that way, but the MOT is an independent check. Regarding being on the system, I honestly don't know, I'll ask. Because people were geting MOTs I assumed they were being logged in, but you are quite right, they may not be.
Agreed value is not reliant on an MoT. Any insurer can request to inspect or independently agree the value. But once agreed it’s agreed surely. At least for the term of the insurance.

As for logged. If you submit for an MoT it will be entered onto the system. Including any fails or advisories. I daresay the grey area is what happens when it fails. Can yo then just decide to self declare exemption or does it need a retest?

Independent inspections are not MoT’s and will not be logged on the MoT system.

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