As you are all aware, The ability to take the **** and have the **** taken out of each other is widly accepted on this forum. People come onto this forum to socialise and to ask for help when needed. It has been noted that just recently when people are asking for help they are being barraged with comments and posts that are neither helpful nor constructive.

It is one thing to take the micky out of a well established member who you may know. It is a different ball game when it comes to a newcomer asking for help and being told where to get off or what he or she should do with their choice of vehicle

We do not wish to discourage banter but please can you try and reserve it where possible for the general forums rather than the vehicle specific forums.

The Mods have a difficult enough job keeping the peace as it is. Please do not make their job any harder.

Many thanks
And on the subject of **** takin, when asked whether she preffered a plain paint scheme to a cammo one and shown two pictures my missus said,"Its hard to decide i'd have to see a real one, you dont see many around do you" to which my answering reply was"HELLOO thats because theyre cammoflaged love",Bless!!!!
Good man Dripper, and before we go much further down this road I'dlike to point out we AIN'T speakin/sayin anything here we are (wait for it ) WRITING thats what you do when you press the little blocky things with letters on them, its called writing!:crazy:

What a load of BOLLOX!!!:eek::eek::eek:

It's called Typing:doh:

Typing is the process of inputting text into a device, such as a typewriter, computer, or a calculator, by pressing keys on a keyboard.

As a new member to this site I have a statement.............

If I ask a cock question, I would expect a cocky response but I'm sure that after the initial **** take I would get the answer I was after, not only that but iv'e found on other sites that do the whole "Protect the newbies" thing, they tend not to stay around to long.

However on the forums where people learn to give as good as they get; friendships are formed!

Not everyone is wise and all knowing and without a clip around the ear none of us would of ever learnt, grow thicker skins or stay home with bog roll!

Oh and on that note I do have a question............ what's a freelander and does it go down well with tom sauce?


As a new member to this site I have a statement.............

If I ask a cock question, I would expect a cocky response but I'm sure that after the initial **** take I would get the answer I was after, not only that but iv'e found on other sites that do the whole "Protect the newbies" thing, they tend not to stay around to long.

However on the forums where people learn to give as good as they get; friendships are formed!

Not everyone is wise and all knowing and without a clip around the ear none of us would of ever learnt, grow thicker skins or stay home with bog roll!

Oh and on that note I do have a question............ what's a freelander and does it go down well with tom sauce?



I've heard that their owners go down well But for a different sauce!! APPARENTLY??? :eek: :eek: :D :D :D
Typist(tai'pist),((knew a rat would take the bait))1843. (f.TYPE sh.+-IST) 1.One who uses type;a printer, compositor(rare). s.=TYPEWRITER 2.1885.
SHorter oxford ENGLISH dictionary
What you are doing is being a type-writer therefore you are writing using type to do so the communication that WE all read on the screen ( the squiggly bits) are called words and WE, read them, to pick the same nits as i do is mere copying an action of which even monkeys are capable and a mere emulation of their betters, what suprised me was that a rat should be able to do so (lets face it mazes arent that hard ,even the simple virus has managed to figure that one out) to then go so far as to quote me and then "Snigger" is really taking it a bit too far.
Taking the ****, an art form for which you need some poor sap to take the bait too quickly arrive at the wrong conclusion whereupon one then shoots them down in flames
for the fun of it.
REMOVE the quote dickwad and do try to escape the twisted little maze you call a brain before venturing out in daylight again....

Yes you probably would but does the missus agree or does she wish it would last a little longer, moron hah! thats rich from one who comes on the short strokes before they try the long ones out..."premature" springs to mind.
got to admit though you were very quick off the mark on that one ....WELL DONE!! did it hurt to exert your braincell so fast???

Missus what fooking Missus?? I'm just a sad lonely old bastid who has to get by with a quick hand job when the urge takes me.. But I'm still 10 times the man you'll ever be. ****wit!! Oh and I wouldn't dream of exerting my braincell for a moron like you. Now ask ya mummy if she's finished blowing off the neighbours alsation, and then get her to give yu ya meds!!
Yes you probably would but does the missus agree or does she wish it would last a little longer, moron hah! thats rich from one who comes on the short strokes before they try the long ones out..."premature" springs to mind.
got to admit though you were very quick off the mark on that one ....WELL DONE!! did it hurt to exert your braincell so fast???

i think you may have miss understood this thread..

the aim of this thread was to deter people from taking people like you apart one shred at a time until you look like your sig..

so lets start with your ability to handle alcopos / shandy which I presume is the reason you had a go at one of the moderators in a thread dedicated to toning down the **** taking on the forum.. making you

OH sorry ! I really did get the wrong end of the stick , I suppose an abject apology to all concerned is in order to stop me from getting banned then, ok i'll stop and say sorry, sorry, truely i did believe tis was the **** takin thread and to keep it out of the others, ah well **** happens!!!

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