As you are all aware, The ability to take the **** and have the **** taken out of each other is widly accepted on this forum. People come onto this forum to socialise and to ask for help when needed. It has been noted that just recently when people are asking for help they are being barraged with comments and posts that are neither helpful nor constructive.

It is one thing to take the micky out of a well established member who you may know. It is a different ball game when it comes to a newcomer asking for help and being told where to get off or what he or she should do with their choice of vehicle

We do not wish to discourage banter but please can you try and reserve it where possible for the general forums rather than the vehicle specific forums.

The Mods have a difficult enough job keeping the peace as it is. Please do not make their job any harder.

Many thanks
Hahaha, I can't believe what I just read above. Is that for real?
A thread specially for ****ing taking. LMAO

I don't need a dedicated thread to get the **** ripped outta me. :mad::mad::mad:

Thems lot is just happy with whatever bait flies in their direction.:eek::D:D:D
I'm with Mod1 on this one. Self-policing is just another word for anarchy. I know, only too well, that the law is sometimes an ass, but it is always the law! If the site wasn't moderated it wouldn't survive.
I'm with Mod1 on this one. Self-policing is just another word for anarchy. I know, only too well, that the law is sometimes an ass, but it is always the law! If the site wasn't moderated it wouldn't survive.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive.
Funny that the site survived perfectly well and was increasing it's membership when the forum was 100% self policed. Any ****ers that turned up and tried it on were soon shown the door by the other members.
Isnt that how it still works? The occasions the Mods get involved is few- except for spammers. I understood that yesterday we were hit over 20 times - maybe credit where credit is due. OK maybe the mods dont get it rite every time, ( i shud know!) but with peeps like yu & Trewy on here, yu aint backward in coming forward if yu think they are wrong. If i rember correctly, Trewy was being unkowingly being used by others in the last fracas! Compared to alot of sites recently mentioned, it is still pretty free and easy going.
Isnt that how it still works? The occasions the Mods get involved is few- except for spammers. I understood that yesterday we were hit over 20 times - maybe credit where credit is due. OK maybe the mods dont get it rite every time, ( i shud know!) but with peeps like yu & Trewy on here, yu aint backward in coming forward if yu think they are wrong. If i rember correctly, Trewy was being unkowingly being used by others in the last fracas! Compared to alot of sites recently mentioned, it is still pretty free and easy going.

I wasn't having a pop at the Ratty and Si. I've never had a prob with the way they moderate the forum. and If I haven't agreed with something they've done I've said so. I was referring to LinC's comment that you can't have an unpoliced Forum because it descends into Anarchy.

Also I have to say I still think Mod1 is a tosser.. :mad:
Even "that other forum which must not be mentioned" is moderated against blatant spammers.
What constitutes "spam" here?

I would make a contribution to costs if only I knew how - but I don't have Paypal.

What constitutes "spam" here?

I would make a contribution to costs if only I knew how - but I don't have Paypal.


ffs CharlesY - int ya taken the hint?

they dont want any of that funny skottish money - it int legal tender in the Bahamas.;)
ffs CharlesY - int ya taken the hint?

they dont want any of that funny skottish money - it int legal tender in the Bahamas.;)

Oh Well .... I suppose I shall just have to spend it on wine, women and song.



Scottish bank notes are not legal tender in Scotland either. English bank notes of denomination less than £5 were legal tender in Scotland under Currency and Bank Notes Act 1954. Now, with the removal of BoE £1 notes, only coins constitute legal tender in Scotland. English bank notes are only legal tender in England, Wales, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. In Scotland, 1 pound coins are legal tender to any amount, 20ps and 50ps are legal tender up to 10 pounds; 10p and 5ps to 5 pounds and 2p and 1p coins are legal tender to 20p (separately or in combination). 2 pounds coins and (if you can get hold of one) 5 pound coins are also legal tender to unlimited amounts, as are gold coins of the realm at face value (in Scotland at least).

Northern Irish notes are not legal tender anywhere.

So now we know!
Oh Well .... I suppose I shall just have to spend it on wine, women and song.



Scottish bank notes are not legal tender in Scotland either. English bank notes of denomination less than £5 were legal tender in Scotland under Currency and Bank Notes Act 1954. Now, with the removal of BoE £1 notes, only coins constitute legal tender in Scotland. English bank notes are only legal tender in England, Wales, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. In Scotland, 1 pound coins are legal tender to any amount, 20ps and 50ps are legal tender up to 10 pounds; 10p and 5ps to 5 pounds and 2p and 1p coins are legal tender to 20p (separately or in combination). 2 pounds coins and (if you can get hold of one) 5 pound coins are also legal tender to unlimited amounts, as are gold coins of the realm at face value (in Scotland at least).

Northern Irish notes are not legal tender anywhere.

So now we know!

So no paper money is legal in scotland??? Doesn't that make paying for large items a pain or do they not mind you carrying your cash in a wheelbarrow??
In a word no-one gives a **** whether money is legal tender or not.

What is money anyway?

Money is NOTHING but a little trust that if I give you some money for a Landy spare, you know you can pass that same money on in exchange for something that you want. And so if all goes well that money will be whizzing around doing good work day after day.

The faster the money circulates the better for the economy and we all do better.

But nowadays people have stopped spending their money, and the immediate consequence is goods don't sell, so sellers stop buying, so makers stop making, and employers stop employing, and then there are lots of people without money to spend, and so even less money is spent, so less money circulates, and the whole system goes belly-up.

Just like we have today.

Do you reckon I'll be ok bringing me box of screws you think that'll work as payment for stuff up in scotlandshire??

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