did you fit the tacho yourself as i need the wiring info to fit a stoneridge 2400 in mine. Are you aware that you also need a national operators licence or intenational if you travel outside UK.
my callsign is G0VXS
have you taken a trailer test ? what weight is the trailer empty ? will the disco be too light for the trailer when its loaded ? what is the max gross weight (trainweight ) of the whole thing??? fitting a tacho least of your troubles !
us oldies don't need a trailer test providing we don't go over 3.5 tonne gross trailer weight on the back of a discovery...

in terms of the weight .. the discovery can tow 4.5 tonnnes according to LR but only 3.5 is legal on the roads without interlinked braking.. .which is an option and presumably can be retrofitted... weights are the least of your problems when you drive a landy...

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