Talking of gloves, I used to use the blue one too as I got a big pack free from a chip shop, but ive always found that they are ****e as they rip as soon as you go to do anything, and at the end of the day you take them off and you have partially clean hands with really filthy index fingers and thumbs! are there any good ones worth getting?

I started getting cheap work gloves from locak market forĀ£1 a pair. put them on top of other gloves and they stay intact bit longer, plus the work gloves are thin and grippy so helps holding tools. At work only use the work gloves. Go through couple pair a week though
As I have unlimited supply of petrol I could use that, as it works and has a lovely smell :D
As Stu says , nitrile are better and useful for tattooing too . I have found latex and vinyl a waste of time , I am currently using a fine knitted thin glove with a rubberised grip and they are the best I have had so far . Obviously they wont keep all liquids off but they help . If you look through medical supplies there are some very good gloves that are used for handling sharps that resist puncture well - a very fine synthetic knit akin to kevlar , a bit pricey but OK to wear all day as they are breathable .

Also , MANISTA ! Like the man said , forgot about them but V good indeed . However I am currently using one from Lidl thats like the orange bitty swarfega . Its not too good for my skin but not that bad either . Also , as has been mentioned , if left to soak in for a few mins it does a better job .
Another one I had forgotten - decorators cleaning wipes , get them from screwfix or toolstation , they have an abrasive and they work well .

But from my scroogiest point of view nothing beats smart price liquid soap with sawdust....sugar is FAR to expensive . When it could be used for brewing alcohol instead .
Lidl do some w5 gritty sugar soap stuff that's brilliant. much better than smooth green swarfega which is what I have at the moment! nitrile gloves are a must though in any case.
Use a barrier cream before I start... then some orange swafega (big tub cheap enough from Costco)
Few years ago I use to use washing power with just a little water, fairy Liquid and **** like that....but they dont do your hands any good in long term

Gloves are a waste of space for a lot of general spannering if you use a good quality barrier cream
Although I use thin latex gloves to stop oil/grease getting on there in the first place but when I do get oily hands from lack-of or split gloves I work veg oil in and it reasonably emulsifies the oil enough to wipe off with kitchen roll..then wash hands with normal soap seems to work and there's always veg oil around as I use it as a cheap chainsaw chain oil...really nice to have the smell of chips as I chainsaw up wood!:eek:
i cant remember the name of the stuff but there was a hand cleaner at work that was rather like ajax scouring cream or ciff with fine sand mixed in it
was bloody amazing stuff even removed smeared sikkaflex off me hands
Thats where the decorators wipes come in , abrasive enough to get sikaflex off...and thats no mean feat .
We use stuff callled. SLIG, Its in 250 ml tubes, will take you fingerprints off if you rub hard enough.
Readin Johhny Curt 1 's post I think he was using Slig too as thats exactly how I would describe it, Slig is made by a company called STOKO

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