hadn't we better inform the loony bins incase severe head banging can set rubber off or is it just rubber bushes that are made of special rubber
yella disco said:
i am lead to beleive the army have stopped using plastic explosives and are now buying up landrover bushes. they set light to them and hurl them at the enemy ;)
read the post concerning dick o'spanner
i think there has to be some heat applied but i'm not sure , you'd be better asking that 'offhisrocker' guy
I've got some bushes in flower in my garden.

And are you taking the **** out of me when your talking about thumbs. 'Cos if you are I'm putting a claim in.
i think the instigator of the exploding bush myth and seen the error of his ways and crawled back into his hole. or maybe he tried to burn a bush out and blew the **** oot hisself
and the angel of the lord appeared in front of him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire, and the angel spokest and saidest thou hadest better duckest cos this mother is gonna blowest. and low the bush did blowest and tika was blowin clean off his rocker

exodus 3:2
OK I think it's time for an update:

I finally got round to changing the rear springs last thursday evening/friday morning. Christ what a mare! When I had the vehicle inspected (RAC) prior to buying it they said that the original springs were still on it. Now while I wasn't sure when I did the front set there is no doubt regarding the rear set. In fact I'm sure they were older than the landie they were in ;) .

Why the update? Well just to let you all know that I burned the rear bushes out. I didn't pass out from the toxic fumes, managed not to blow the chassis apart with a bush bomb and there is no way that they could have been drilled out. The pins had been in there that long they had fused to the bush inner. In the end I hacksawed the plates off, burned out the rubber so I could knock out the pin and inner then cut out the outer.

So what have I learned? Chassis bushes can be **** to change but last for ages. Oh, and that there is **** all wrong with burning out the bushes. In fact I reckon you've got more chance of doing yourself an injury ****ing about trying to drill through old ****ty rubber. But eh, what do I know?
if you heat these bushes up they can explode and fire hot rubber into your face ??

so the 'safe' way is to drill them out ?? last time i drilled a rubber suspension bush out i dropped hot rubber on my hand that had come off the drill bit, it burnt. i also slipped with the drill which cut my knuckle :mad:

last time i watched someone burn them out they did it without destroying the workshop, his sight, or anything else. infact, he did it super quick with no problems at all !!
Oh and I forgot to add:

Feck me what a difference good new springs make. I'd be interested to drive a parabolicly (?) sprung landie to compare it with one on good leafs. I'm not convinced the difference would be that great.
Theres an awful lot of bollocks in this thread....

I aint saying bushes explode, but have a look at this for one reason:



This is a well know hazard present in certain rubber compounds found in cars after burning.
Personally i wouldnt be heating them until last resort. there are way heathier ways to do it.

Tikirocker was posting some good advice there (perhaps for wrong reasons), some of you ought to grow up a bit.
well **** me!!! its on the internet so it must be true.. all yous people that have burned out bushes and other rubber bits on yer cars are now officially dead! please stop posting on this forum as it is only for the living!! if you want to post on the internet i suggest you try the dead zone rather than landy zone... if any of yous have burnt out a bush and still think you are alive please visit yer GP and ask..or if you have a loved one at home;, have a casual look when they are near you if they tend not to hang around or have breathing equipment with them the chances are that you smell and are indeed dead.
and as for the rest of yous grow up and believe every thing that is on wikipedia as its all true and none of it is made up or posted by silly billys having a giggle.
just one last thought .. would it be ok to steam the bushes out?
true but it would take a lot of steam to get rid of the creases that hoss and the like have put on it

btw where did you learn that ? wikipedia per chance?
slob, you are a grade A idiot.
I aint gonna waste anymore of my time here, I'm off, back to the adult landy forums, where folk are friendly and talk out of their mouths rarther than their arses to others. :cool:
HoSS said:
slob, you are a grade A idiot.
I aint gonna waste anymore of my time here, I'm off, back to the adult landy forums, where folk are friendly and talk out of their mouths rarther than their arses to others. :cool:
you come in here sprouting bollocks and you call me an idiot! and as fur talking out of arses well that only happened when you open yer fat gob. now go forth and don't multiply! the world is too nice a place for any more like you to infect it
"It is a synthetic rubber-like material containing fluorine"

Land rover bushes are made of a natural rubber! Have been since the 1960's; therefore no Hydrofluoric acid.

Wikipedia - mmm everything in there is gospel isnt it! Not!

Childish are we? Well you don't know any of us, come in here and tell us we are wrong and then give slob a load of abuse. Well I wouldn't say your childish - your just a silly ****. A sad one, but a silly **** all the same. Now do us all a favour keep your side of the bargain and **** off.

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