Ok, the jury is back and it's confirmed that your a complete ****er incapable of understanding basic discussion parameters ... the real world you speak of includes safe practice and backyard cowboys. So yeah, we all know things can be done by other methods, for instance most people think before they speak or type, in your case the alternative method is to just prattle on with your head up yer arse.

What you seem to think is bollocks is entirely supported by professional mechanics and the mechanical editors of the MAJOR Land Rover magazines you nonce. The fact that rubber bushes can explode under heat is documented and supported in print! Your claim that this is bollocks is just pure denial since it hasn't happened to you or others ... yet. The recommendation of professionals in the mechanical industry is to drill bushes out and as I said from the start, if you choose to do otherwise thats entirely up to you but understand that there is indeed an alternative and safer method.

Your one these blokes who wants to make the most mess and noise to get a job done when there's no need for it ... your signature suits you to a T.
oh how i wish i knew what the **** your going on about. maybe one day you'll make sense. until then why don't you **** off to another planet and leave us people alone that like to get things done in a sensible and quick manner.
btw way i heard you can get treatment for being an arse these days . when i speak to matto i'll ask him where he got his and i'll pass it on to you. i take it yer forwarding address will be 'care of the planet zannusi"
well i have just done a google search on "exploding rubber", "flashpoint of rubber" , "dangers of rubber " and funnily enough it seems to have come up with nothing about the many exploding bushes that you speak so knowleagably of.also, i don't think drilling rubber is as safe a method as you speak of, granted it may be safer than burning but it is still a risk. the safest way is to remove the said part and press the bush out but then not everyone has a press in their garden shed ;)

Contact LROI magazine or any of the other Land Rover magazine mechanical editors and ask them about it - just send them an e-mail if you want confirmation. Why would I or they make it up? ... I'm literally passing on the information from them as a source, don't shoot the messenger. ;)
slob said:
i think he scared of presses every since he got his head stuck in one

Up up and away super mech ... just watch your knuckles from dragging on the roof tops. Bwahahaha ...
i knew this burd once that swore her bush exploded every time we humped, and i swear i could smell toxic fumes. and as for burning rubber well need i say more.

humping too fast you have been warned
you should have done it the safe way and got someone else to use the hammer. you should know by now there is a safe way and a down right dangerous way to do things. shame on you for being so foolhardy as to use a hammer unsupervised!!
don't you know young children could be reading this and picking up bad habits, is there anyway we can have you banned or leading our children astray.

p.s i was with this woman the other night and my huge thing was throbbing like a blind cobbler's thumb
thats the trouble these days. no customer service anymore.
bought the hammer from wickes, and no fookin instructions.
did it give off poisonous gas aswell? and i hope you didn't get any molten hammer on you
i hear someone was arrested today trying to board a plane while carrying rubber bushes. he was roughly tackled to the ground before being deported plean. it seems the security people had dogs trained to sniff out rubber but they just keep sniffing the policemens underwear
i am lead to beleive the army have stopped using plastic explosives and are now buying up landrover bushes. they set light to them and hurl them at the enemy ;)

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