
New Member
Hi everyone
I've recently bought a 90 pick 300tdi.
And thought I would waxoyl the chassis all has gone well with waxoyl, but i noticed the front coil springs don't appear to sit correctly on the spring seat.
Is this because it's a 2 inch lift and is there anything I can do to fix this problem? The coil aping is not fixed bottom or top and there are not spring relocation cones either!! The back seems to be fine.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Its because it has a 2 inch lift and the axle is at the wrong angle now the only way to correct it is to fit castor correction arms although ive never heard of it causing a problem running it how yours is at the moment
But should the coil sping have a retaining strap at the bottom and a relocation cone at top?
It drives great though

I disagree I believe its because you have a lift kit and the springs are shorter uaually harder lbs/inch aswell or its possible you have longer travel shocks and the springs are dislocating at the top and or bottom and not re seating. cure well if it was the rear i'd say jubilee clips at the top are your friend but its the front. Maybe you could fit relocation cones but I'm not fan of springs that dislocate
they dont normally have spring retainers on front springs like rear as shocker means it cant come off,with lift axle is out of line more than normal and spring wont sit evenly on plate will have gap at front until loaded,wont hurt ,i have seen spring plates angled to take accont of this,caster correction would help but prop angle would be worse and would probably need double cardan prop,you would only need dislocation cones in extreme driving not normal day to day

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