Hi Gary....You can use Copper instead of Cupro Nickel brake pipe if you wish. It will be cheaper, easier to bend and flare and well able to withstand the system pressures.
You mention "Bulkhead adaptors for the brake line"-where do these fit ??, I am sure that the solid brake line connects straight into the end of the flexible hose which is retained in a bracket on the chassis/body with a forked spring clip.
I take it you have a Junior Hacksaw, spare blades and a smooth flat file.

I have a pair of Sykes Pickavant coil spring compressors if you wish to borrow them-just pay the postage both ways....PM me if you are interested.

Good Luck


hiya mate

the nickel copper is only £4 dearer and just thought it may be abit better quality,

ref the bulkhead connector its the opposite end of the hose as the line from the front comes up and makes the first connection to the hose i thought it also sat into a bracket as its very difficult for me to get under the and my son is away for a few days can only put the ipad under the car and take pics the best i can

cant find any decent pics of the underneath showing all the connections etc in detail

thks about the offer of the compressors but would feel terrible if somehow they got lost of broke and hope u dont think im being rude but would u mind if i can leave it plse as i dont want to be responsible but saying that will see what the cost is, of its about £30 thats fine , if they are alot dearer may have to rethink it, bless u and thks so much indeed for the great offer my friend

got plenty of hand tools and cordless drills from my heating days , as ive seen on utube they put a small countersink bit in the drill and use it to debur the end of the copper line

on looking at the pics going to a day before soak the brake line connectors and bleed nipples with wd40 , so that if i can try and get alot of the old brake bits out can then lay them down and use them as a pattern

will also for future reference take pics and hopefully may be useful to others, as ive got all the time in the world and as my son james hasn't done anything like this will be the perfect opportunity to show him step by step how to do the struts, springs and brake lines

as james get the struts off can then sit in the garden out of the way to do springs installation

thks so much again and just like to get everything pre planed and ready so fingers crossed should have all the bits required

just appreciative of all the help and hate starting a job without all the right tools and parts


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